The last Fourier Optics class given by professor Larry Thibos

During the OC 2015 Conference in Valencia, celebrated on the 7. and 8. of march, professor Larry Thibos from the University of Indiana has given the last clas of the Fourier Optics Course. Among the students there were the members of the European Network AGEYE ITN, two of which are members of the group CIVIUM. As a thank you, the students presented him with a gift t-shirt that quoted the professor saying “You don’t have to be crazy to learn Fourier Optics, but it helps! He received it from the hands of his friend and our group’s director, Norberto Norberto López-Gil.

Professor Larry ThibosProfessor Larry Thibos recibiendo camisetaAlumnos del Curso de Óptica de Fourier

civium (from latin, genitive plural of civis-civis, "belong to the citizens")