f Competencias TIC del profesorado universitario





  • Knows the role of ICT in future profession of students he teaches.
  • Understands relationships between the curriculum of his area of knowledge, and the way to implement ICT in his teaching practice
  • Knows a variety of didactic strategies to implement ICT in his teaching
  • Knows good educational practices in his area of specialization, using ICT at university
  • Knows good educational practices in his area of specialization, using ICT in general
  • Knows possibilities and limitations of ICT as learning tools
  • Knows implications of educational politics in his teaching practice, especially the politics related to ICT
  • Selects and chooses appropriate ICT tools and resources in order to enhance the students’ learning
  • Selects and uses didactic strategies using ICT
  • Uses ICT tools to produce educational resources
  • Uses ICT to publish educational resources
  • Uses pedagogical criteria to select educational resources based on ICT
  • Designs activities where his include educational resources based on ICT
  • Uses university technology enhanced learning support services
  • Uses a diversity of didactic strategy using ICT
  • Solves learning needs using educational resources based on ICT
  • Uses educational resources based on ICT to take into account the diversity of students
  • Implements learning activities that include educational resources based on ICT
  • Uses communication skills to improve the participation of students in ICT environments
  • Uses ICT for tutoring
  • Uses ICT for learning assessment
  • Uses ICT to evaluate complex cognitive processes
  • Favors equal access to ICT resources for all students
  • Analyzes the effect of teaching practices using ICT, in order to improve it, using the conclusions in further experiences
  • Continually updates his knowledge of ICT development and uses of ICT
  • Participates in educational innovation projects to promote or improve the use of ICT in teaching
  • Co-ordinates and/or promotes, ICT supported activities in their department or institution
  • Creates and enriches a list of relevant sites (web resources) to improve teaching practices and professional learning
  • Uses diverse information sources related to actualization in teaching and in ICT
  • Uses digital resources in order to improve teaching practices
  • Participates in learning activities related to ICT as a student
  • Participates in learning activities related to ICT as a teacher
  • Participates in spaces of reflection and interchange (face to face or online) about experiences of design and implementing teaching experiences using ICT
  • Takes part in professional networks of teachers who use ICT for teaching
  • Spreads awareness of teaching experiences using ICT in different places
  • Takes part in and/or promotes innovation groups and research in the use of ICT for teaching
  • Knows and applies legal and ethical principles associated with digital information and ICT use
  • Uses and promotes the use of open format to publish digital resources
  • Publishes their scientific production in open (free) environments
  • Uses the ICT resources the institution gives him, to carry out management tasks
  • Knows basic terms and components related to ICT
  • Correctly uses necessary information to select and buy digital resources and ICT tools
  • Uses health and safety measures in the use of ICT
  • Is able to face and solve technical problems
  • Is able to autonomously learn the use of specific software and/or application