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Ésta es una versión obsoleta y en parte inoperativa, conservada únicamente a efectos de archivo, del subsitio de Antonio Giménez Reíllo, profesor colaborador en el Área de Estudios Árabes e Islámicos de la Universidad de Murcia.

IHSAN Network

شبكة إحسان

The IHSAN Network is the online part of the Thesaurus Islamicus Foundation's Sunna Project. Through the Sunna Project the Foundation seeks to assemble the entirety of hadith litertaure and to prepare and publish definitive critical editions of every hadith collection. The Foundation engages nearly one hundred scholars of hadith in the study and comparison of manuscript and printed copies of hadith collections from libraries and museums around the world. The Sunna Project is affiliated with the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Centre of Islamic Studies, University of Cambridge.