Calidad y resultados académicos del Grado en Trabajo Social

La Facultad de Trabajo Social dispone de un Sistema de Aseguramiento Interno de la Calidad que vela por la mejora continua de las actividades docentes y administrativas del centro. Para ello, el centro se apoya en los siguientes instrumentos:

Estructura de Calidad

La estructura de calidad de la Facultad de Trabajo Social está compuesta por un Coordinador de Calidad, quien se encarga de gestionar los procesos de calidad del Centro, y de la Comisión de Aseguramiento de Calidad, órgano que participa en las tareas de planificación y seguimiento del SIAC, actuando además como uno de los vehículos de comunicación interna de la política, objetivos, planes, programas, responsabilidades y logros de este sistema.

El Coordinador de Calidad está ayudado en sus funciones por los Coordinadores de Titulación y la Comisión de Aseguramiento de Calidad se apoya en Comisiones de Titulación, que analizarán los temas específicos relativos a cada una de ellas.

Coordinador de Calidad

Coordinador: D. Javier Eloy Martínez Guirao
Correo electrónico:
Teléfono: 868 88 8203

Coordinadores de Titulación

Academic Results

Table of academic results

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No se han publicado los resultados de esta titulación.

Student satisfaction with the teaching provided by the faculty

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Se ha producido un error al cargar los datos referentes a satisfacción del alumnado. Estamos trabajando en solucionar este problema. Disculpe las molestias.
No se han publicado los resultados de esta titulación.

Definitions of academic results

Performance rate: percentage of credits passed by the total number of students enrolled in the degree in relation to the number of credits enrolled by the total number of students enrolled in the degree.

Success rate: percentage of credits passed by the total number of students enrolled in the degree in relation to the number of credits presented by the total number of students enrolled in the degree.

Graduation rate: percentage of students who complete their studies in the time foreseen in the syllabus or in one more year in relation to the entry cohort.

Drop-out rate: percentage ratio between the total number of students in a new entry cohort who should have obtained the degree in the previous academic year and who have not enrolled either in that academic year or in the previous one.

Efficiency rate: percentage ratio between the total number of credits of the syllabus for which the graduates of a given academic year should have enrolled during the course of their studies and the total number of credits for which they actually had to enrol.

Student satisfaction with the degree teaching staff: average of the scores obtained by all teaching staff teaching degree subjects in the item "Overall assessment of the work carried out by the lecturer, considering all the above aspects" in the survey administered every two years to the students of these subjects. The assessment is made on a scale of 1 to 5 and only the courses in which satisfaction with the degree has been measured, according to the established planning, appear in the graph. “