Curso 2021-22 del Máster Universitario en Biología y Tecnología de la Reproducción de Mamíferos

Horarios y exámenes

Calendario de Docencia y Evaluación: Lección magistral, prácticas, seminarios,tutorías y exámenes.

Calendario TF

Guías docentes

El plan de estudios del Máster en Biología y Tecnología de la Reproducción de Mamíferos contempla la realización de un trabajo fin de máster de 6 créditos ECTS.

Los estudiantes deben tener en cuenta que los procesos de asignación y entrega de trabajos se gestionan a través de la plataforma, la oferta estará disponible a partir de octubre.

Calendario de la oferta TFM

  Oferta Líneas TFM Elección de líneas de TFM
Curso 2021-2022 11/11/2021 Hasta el 15/11/2021

Calendario de la defensa TFM

Convocatoria Fecha inicio presentación TFM Fecha fin presentación TFM Fecha fin validación TFM por parte de Tutor Examen TFM
1ª Convocatoria 2022 7 de enero de 2022 11 de enero de 2022 12 de enero de 2022 17-18 Enero de 2022
2ª Convocatoria 2022 24 de junio de 2022 30 de junio de 2022 4 de julio de 2022 11-12 de julio de 2022
3ª Convocatoria 2022 30 de julio de 2022 2 de septiembre de 2022 5 de septiembre de 2022 8-9 de septiembrede 2022

Miembros de los tribunales evaluadores

  Representante Anatomía RUIZ LOPEZ, SALVADOR


Reglamento y Normativa que regulan los TFG/TFG en la Facultad de Veterinaria

Experimentación con animales

Si eliges un TFG/TFM que necesita experimentación animal debes cumplimentar


este impreso del Comité de Ética de Experimentación Animal (CEEA).


Vídeo sobre recomendaciones para el desarrollo y redacción de una revisión sistemática o metanálisis.

Gestores bibliográficos de la Biblioteca

Los gestores bibliográficos son herramientas que recogen las referencias bibliográficas de las bases de datos de investigación (catálogos de bibliotecas, índices, bases de datos de revistas científicas, etc.) y permiten organizar las citas y la bibliografía para tus proyectos. Además te ayudan en la citación de tes trabajos de investigación permitiendo la creación automática de citas, bibliografía y notas al pie.

¿Por qué debo usar una herramienta de gestión de citas?

  • Para mantenerme organizado
  • Para evitar errores de transcripción o tipográficos
  • Para facilitar la cita y la creación de las bibliografías

Ver más información

Autoría y originalidad

Según se indica en la Normativa de TFG/TFM de la Facultad en su Artículo 3, "El plagio, entendido como la presentación de un trabajo u obra hecho por otra persona como propio, o la copia de textos sin citar su procedencia y dándolos como de elaboración propia, conllevará automáticamente la calificación numérica de cero (0)." Para yudar en esta tarea la Universidad de Murcia pone a disposición de los profesores Turnitin, una herramienta que ayuda a prevenir y evitar el plagio, permitiendo a los profesores identificar el contenido no original de los trabajos. Muestra la similitud entre un documento que se le presenta comparándolo con extensas bases de datos. Para registrarse y usar Trunitin es necesario el seguir la instrucciones que aparecen en la WEB de la Biblioteca, o en la imagen


Procedimiento para la presentación, defensa y evaluación del TFG/TFM

  1. Instrucciones de la Universidad de Murcia a seguir en la presentación, defensa y evaluación del TFG/TFM (R30/2014)
  2. Criterios estructurales y formales para el TFM


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Students of the Master's Degree in Mammal Reproduction Biology and Technology can participate in both extracurricular and curricular field training.

Host institutions available for field training

This list of institutions is continually updated and expanded based on the number of spots available as well as student needs. If students express interest in completing field training at a specific company/institution, this should be communicated to the coordinators of the degree program so they can encourage the company/institution to sign a participation agreement.
Time spent in field training at different institutions may count towards coursework (Practicum), the Master's dissertation, or it may also fall under the category of extracurricular field training. In all cases, students will receive support and guidance from their supervising professor at the University of Murcia to help them decide on the location and length of the field training as well as to contact the external field training supervisor to arrange the details of the same.
Curricular Field Training
The program of study for the Master's Degree in Mammal Reproduction Biology and Technology includes the following courses as curricular field training:

Regardless of the focus chosen by the student (professional or research), external field training implies spending time at different companies, research institutions, or universities by virtue of existing agreements with the degree program. The minimum length of curricular field training (Practicum) is 6 weeks. There is no maximum length for field training since this depends on the availability of the student and the host institution. Depending on this availability, students may also complete their Master's dissertation at the host institution during their field training.
1. On the one hand, students can choose to do their field training at human assisted reproduction companies located across Spain, in addition to IVI Clinics (Murcia, Alicante, Almeria, Barcelona, Las Palmas, Zaragoza) and other human fertility clinics that are located in Alicante (IVF-Spain), Badajoz (Institute of Assisted Reproduction in Extremadura), Leon (Gynaecology Center of Leon), Logroño (Manzanera Medical Center), Madrid (Madrid Fertility Institute), Marbella (Assisted Reproduction Center of Marbella), and Murcia (Tahe Fertility). They can also participate in field training at fertility clinics that are part of the ManipalAnkur network in Bangalore, India.
In addition to clinics, there are agreements in place with Spanish hospitals to perform field training in their assisted reproduction departments, as is the case with the Clinical Hospital of San Francisco in Leon, the Victoria Eugenia Hospital of the Red Cross-INEBIR in Seville, and the Quirón Hospital in Zaragoza.
During field training, students will observe firsthand all the tasks of a human assisted reproduction laboratory and take part in those that do not have a direct effect on the outcome of the reproduction process. They will perform simulations of many laboratory tasks, such as preparing culture mediums, semen analysis, handling degenerated or unfertilized oocytes (non-viable), embryo grading, and clinical history database management, among others. When students complete their Practicum they will have already gained working knowledge of a human fertility clinic and the legislation that applies to these contexts because they will have already taken the courses "Human Assisted Reproduction" and "Ethical and legal aspects of the beginning of life and assisted reproduction", the field training for which takes place in the IVI-Murcia clinic. Naturally, this initial field training, which only lasts for a week, gives students just a glimpse of the day-to-day activities at the clinic. For this reason, completing the Practicum at one of the previously mentioned host institutions will be even more beneficial to gain the skills needed for a future career at a business in the same area or a livestock farm with a reproduction laboratory.
Moreover, students can also complete field training focused on domesticated animals and laboratory work at different Spanish research institutions such as IMIM, CNIC, IEGRA, IMIDA, CSIC-UPNA, INIA, LARCEL, SERIDA, and CCMIJU, or at foreign institutions such as INRA in France or the Federal Institute of Animal Health in Germany. Field training is also available at Spanish universities such as the University of Alicante, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the Complutense University of Madrid, the University of Lleida and the University of Zaragoza, as well as foreign universities in Italy, Ireland, Belgium, the Czech Republic, and Japan. The program also offers the opportunity to complete the Practicum at private companies from the animal reproduction industry in Spain such as Rara Avis, Equus Iberica, Yeguada La Cartuja, El Adil Redondo S.L and Juan Jimenez García, S.A.U or at companies abroad such as Inner Mongolia Mangniu Reproductive Biotechnology in Hohhot, China or WildSpirit in South Africa, among others.
Each of these institutions has a specific job profile and, as a result, is highly specialized. Students can choose the institution that best fits their desired career path; they are free to choose their curricular field training as well as the elective coursework offered within the degree program. The type of work performed at each institution as well as a detailed program of the field training is available below.
Extracurricular field training
Students of the Master's degree in Mammal Reproduction Biology and Technology can participate in extracurricular field training in compliance with the rules established by the University of Murcia.
The minimum length of extracurricular field training is 150 hours (approximately 4 weeks, 40h/week) and the maximum is 750 hours (approximately 5 months; 40h/week). Students may participate in extracurricular field training until the end of the academic year in which they are enrolled.
In addition to the institutions listed on this web page, there is a large selection of extracurricular field training currently available for Master's degree students at the University of Murcia.
The national and international host institutions with which the program has signed agreements to promote student field training are available at the following links.

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