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Dinámica de Sistemas y EAO
Type: International Conference Place: Seminario sobre "La Informática Educativa en España" , 28 Feria Oficial Monográfica Internacional del Equipo de Oficina y la Informática (S.I.M.O.). Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos de la Casa de Campo de Madrid. Fundación CITEMA,Depto.de Informática y Automática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Publishing Date: .1988-11-21
Authors: Ambrosio Toval Alvarez
Computer Systems Simulation in Education: Description of an Experience
Type: JCR Journal Place: Computers & Education. Pergamon Press Vol.11, Nº4, pp.293-303, 1987 ISSN 0360-1315 JCR
Publishing Date: .1987-09-01
Authors: Ambrosio Toval Alvarez
                 M. Flores
Murcia A/I, A mixed System Dynamics and Linear Programming Model for Regional Investment Planning
Type: International Book Chapter Place: "System Dynamics: On the move". Proceedings of The 1986 Conference of the System Dynamics Society. SDS (System Dynamics Society), AFCET (Association Française pour la Cibernetique Economique et Technique) y GWS (Geseltshaft fur Wirtshafs-und-Social Kibernetik). ISBN 84-600-4641-9 (O.C.)
Publishing Date: .1986-10-20
Authors: Ambrosio Toval Alvarez
                 Alberto Requena
                 Silvio Martínez
                 Juan Monreal
A model of Doñana Rabbits
Type: International Book Chapter Place: System Dynamics: On the move". Proceedings of The 1986 Conference of the System Dynamics Society. SDS (System Dynamics Society), AFCET (Association Française pour la Cibernetique Economique et Technique) y GWS (Geseltshaft fur Wirtshafs-und-Social Kibernetik). ISBN 84-600-4641-9 (O.C.)
Publishing Date: .1986-10-20
Authors: Ambrosio Toval Alvarez
                 Alberto Requena
                 Silvio Martínez
                 Juan Monreal
SDSE, System Dynamics Software in Education
Type: International Book Chapter Place: "System Dynamics: On the move". Proceedings of The 1986 Conference of the System Dynamics Society . SDS (System Dynamics Society), AFCET (Association Française pour la Cibernetique Economique et Technique) y GWS (Geseltshaft fur Wirtshafs-und-Social Kibernetik). ISBN 84-600-4641-9 (O.C.)
Publishing Date: .1986-08-20
Authors: Ambrosio Toval Alvarez
                 Alberto Requena
                 Silvio Martínez
                 Juan Monreal
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