

8th International Conference on

Middle English




Poster of the Conference



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8th International Conference on Middle English


2-4 May 2013, University of Murcia


Participants are invited to submit proposals for 20-minute presentations (followed by 10 minute discussion) on any aspect touching on the areas of interest of  ICOME: Middle English language and linguistic features, Middle English textual and manuscript studies and Middle English literature. Abstracts, which should contain between 250 and 500 words (excluding references), must be a Microsoft Word file with the extension .doc or .rtf (preferably in Times 11 font). They must be submitted by e-mail to icome8@um.es, before 31 January 2013 and the name of the file should be the title of the paper. Notification of acceptance will be sent out early in February 2013 with the third circular. Early bird registration will open in March 2013.


Information and contact: icome8@um.es



International Conference on Middle English
University of Murcia, 2-4 May 2013

The Organising Committee


Webmaster Nila Vázquez
Last Update: 24/04/13