

8th International Conference on

Middle English




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8th International Conference on Middle English


2-4 May 2013, University of Murcia


Herbert Schendl is retired Professor in English linguistics at the University of Vienna. His main research interests include the history of English, early language variation and change, multilingualism and historical code-switching. His book publications include Code-switching in Early English (with L. Wright, de Gruyter 2011), Rethinking Middle English (with N. Ritt, Lang 2005), Historical Linguistics (OUP 2001), A Complete Concordance to the Novels of John Lyly (Olms, 1986). He has also published numerous articles on Old English syntax and semantics, historical phonology and morphology, historical sociolinguistics, and more recently especially on historical code-switching.
See also: http://anglistik.univie.ac.at/staff/schendl/



Terttu Nevalainen is Professor of English Philology and the Director of the VARIENG Research Unit at the University of Helsinki. Her research and teaching are in historical sociolinguistics, corpus linguistics and the history of English. She is one of compilers of the Helsinki Corpus of English Texts and of the Corpus of Early English Correspondence. Her publications include An Introduction to Early Modern English (EUP, 2006), Historical Sociolinguistics (with Helena Raumolin-Brunberg; Pearson, 2003), and The Oxford Handbook of the History of English (with Elizabeth Traugott; OUP, 2012). She edits Neuphilologische Mitteilungen and the book series Oxford Studies in the History of English.
See also: http://www.helsinki.fi/varieng/people/varieng_nevalainen.html



Vincent Gillespie is J.R.R. Tolkien Professor of English Literature and Language at the University of Oxford. He is Executive Secretary of the Early English Text Society, and Series Editor of Exeter Medieval Texts and Studies. Recent publications include The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Mysticism (2011); After Arundel: Religious Writing in Fifteenth-Century England (2011); Looking in Holy Books: Essays on Late-Medieval Religious Writing in England (2012)..
See also: http://www.english.ox.ac.uk/about-faculty/faculty-members/medieval/gillespie-professor-vincent



María José López-Couso is Senior Lecturer in the Department of English and German at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, and a member of the Research Unit Variation, Linguistic Change and Grammaticalization. Her main research areas are morpho-syntactic and pragmatic change and grammaticalization processes in the history of English, with specific interests in the fields of clausal complementation, existential constructions, negation, and parentheticals. She has published extensively on these and other topics in journals like English Language and Linguistics, Folia Linguistica, Journal of Historical Pragmatics, Folia Linguistica Historica, and Journal of English Linguistics. She has also co-edited several volumes in the areas of historical linguistics (English historical syntax and morphology, Benjamins 2002; Information structure and syntactic change in the history of English, OUP 2012), and grammaticalization studies (Rethinking grammaticalization: New perspectives; Benjamins 2008); Theoretical and empirical issues in grammaticalization, Benjamins 2008).
See also: http://www.usc-vlcg.es/MXLC.htm



Information and contact: icome8@um.es



International Conference on Middle English
University of Murcia, 2-4 May 2013

The Organising Committee


Webmaster Nila Vázquez
Last Update: 24/04/13