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Last 18th December 2009 it took place the Final Conference of the Odysseus Project at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Murcia (Spain) with a great success of attendance. The topic was The Teaching of Modern Greek in Europe: Current Situation and New Perspectives. The Conference was opened by the Vicechancellor of International Relations, prof. Esteban, the Academic Secretary of the Faculty of Arts, prof. Miralles, the Academic Secretary of the Department of Classical Philology, prof. Gallego and also by prof. Morales, Coordinator of the Project.

On December 17th. and 18th. will take place at the on the Faculty of Fhilology at the University of Murcia a congress coinciding with the closing of Odysseus Project. The purpose of the meeting is to present the project findings, make a final statement of the activities, all within the broader context of debate on education and dissemination of modern Greek in Europe.

The multimedia didactic and educational material and tools of the Project Odysseus, enhancing Modern Greek learning, was presented by Prof. Isabelle Oztasciyan Bernardini dÂ’ Arnesano during the Lions Interclub Meeting Tracce della Cultura Ottomana nel Salento, supported by the Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale Euromediterraneo.

On 30th November 2009 took place at the Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale Euromediterraneo the Cultural Workshop Vassilis Margaris, a writer coming from Ioannina, a activity for the dissemination of the Modern Greek Language and Culture organized in the frame of the Odysseus Project.

On 28th November 2009 took place in Calimera (Lecce) at the Biblioteca Comunale Sala Aldo Moro the cultural workshop Vassilis Margaris, a writer coming from Ioannina, a activity for the dissemination of the Modern Greek Language and Culture organized in the frame of the Odysseus Project.

From 1 to 3 October 2009 was held at the University of Zaragoza the Fourth International Congress of Latin American neo-Hellenism with the theme "Hispanic culture and the Greek world", organized by the Hispanic Society and Neo-Greek Studies Section of the Modern Greek Language Institute at the University of Zaragoza. During the congress, professors from the University of Murcia A. Morales Ortiz, C. Pagan Canovas and C. Martínez Campillo presented the project to the public Odysseus specialist with a paper entitled "The project Odysseus. A project to disseminate the teaching of Modern Greek and its application in Spanish universities".

Under Odysseus project, the Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale Euromediterraneo has organized a seminar with the theme "Promotion and Dissemination of Greek language and culture". During the seminar will screen the film "Touch of Cinnamon" to examine the influences of different Mediterranean cuisines on the culinary culture of the historic Greek community in Constantinople and its impact on the current Greek cuisine.

On June 29th 2009 the Murcia Regional TV broadcast on its program "Here and Now" pictures of Greek Dance Workshop organized within the Second Course Language and Culture neo-Hellenism held at the University of Murcia. The public had the opportunity in order to meet the activities of Odysseus project funded by the European Commission to approach this interesting aspect of the cultural life of Greece.

During the II Neohellenic Culture and Language Course organized in the frame of the Odysseus project in collaboration with the Language Service of the University of Murcia (from 9th Marz to 29 Juni 2009) took place on 28th Juni 2009 the second edition of the workshop about Dances of Greece. The workshop was was given by Manolis Giatsidis, lecturer from the University of Zaragoza (Spain).

From 19 to 21 of June 2009 was held at the University of Patras the XII International "Congress Intercultural Education and Emigration" organized by the KEDEK (Center for Intercultural Education) at the university. Odysseus Project leaders were invited by the organization to submit the project within the framework of this congress. The presentation was given by the teachers of the University of Murcia Alicia Morales and Carmen Martínez Campillo, who intervened with a presentation entitled: "The Odysseus Project: a European experience for the dissemination of teaching and learning the Greek language".
Link: http://www.kedek.inpatra.gr/an3.php?$sr=2

The presentation of the multimedia didactic and educational material and tools of the project ODYSSEUS took place in Syracuse at the Faculty of Science for Cultural Heritage of the Catania University on May 6th. All the main institutional town-authorities, the Headmasters and the teachers of all the Middle and High schools of Syracuse and Catania and all the citizens were invited to the initiative.

The third meeting of the Odysseus Project partners took place at the British-Hellenic College in Athens (Greece), between Marz 23-24, 2008. During the intensive working sessions the good progress of the project was confirmed, and issues related to the plan of activities and the project management were debated.

Next 23 and 24 March 2009 the third meeting for the partners of Odysseus will be hosted at the British Hellenic College in Athens.

As one of the Courses and Activities organized in the frame of the Odysseus project, a free Modern Greek Language Course (initial level, A1) was held at the ECED in Plovdiv (Bulgaria) from 15 January to 13 Marz 2009. The course, a 80 hours course, was adressed to teachers and students.

The course was opened on 9 March 2009 at the Faculty of Arts of the UMU. Lessons are taught on Mondays and Wednesdays from 18 to 20 hours in La Merced Campus of the UMU. This is a 60 hours course (45 hours relating language and 15 of culture) that will be held until June 2009. An official certificate of the University of Murcia will be submitted to all participants after being successfully completed. The course is addressed to all people interested in Modern Greek language and also in discovering the Greece of nowadays.

On 3 and 5 March 2009, the high school Miguel Hernández of Alhama in Murcia organized the IV Greco-Latin Encounter. A great number of teachers and pupils from different high schools of the region of Murcia met at this event, that was sponsored by the Town Hall of Alhama and the Education Council of the regional government, with the collaboration of AMUPROLAG (Association of Greek and Latin teachers of Murcia). A complete and enjoyable programme of activities related with Latin, Greek and classic culture was carried out. The Odysseus project participated with a workshop on Modern Greek taught by prof. Morales of the University of Murcia. Furthermore, diverse workshops were offered: mythology, Roman mosaics, traditional Greek dances, masks, fashion, cookery etc.


Last 17 February the Odysseus project was part of the well-known radio programme "Hoy por Hoy" (Today) of channel Cadena Ser in Murcia. Professors Manolis Giatsidis (University of Zaragoza) and Carmen Martínez Campillo and Alicia Morales Ortíz (University of Murcia) were interviewed. The result was a pleasant conversation lead by presenter Lucía Hernández during which they talked about the Odysseus project and its activities, Greek Modern lessons at the UMU and traditional Greek music and dance. Of course, references to the rich Greek gastronomy were also made in the course of the interview.
Download sound file (12 MB)

As one of the activities of the Neohellenic Culture and Language Course organized in the frame of the Odysseus project in collaboration with the Language Service of the University of Murcia, a workshop about Dances of Greece was held at the University of Murcia on 16 and 17 February 2009.

The Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale Euromediterraneo in Lecce within the activities of the project "Odysseus: project for the dissemination of Modern Greek Learning and Teaching", funded by the Community Programme LIFELOG LEARNING, organizes, in collaboration with the Hellenic Communities of Brindisi, Lecce and Taranto, the II course of "Greek Language and Culture". The course will be held at the head-office of the "Agency", in Via Libertini 15/A. (Lecce).

The Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale Euromediterraneo in Lecce within the activities of the project "Odysseus: project for the dissemination of Modern Greek Learning and Teaching", funded by the Community Programme LIFELOG LEARNING, organizes, in collaboration with the Hellenic Communities of Brindisi, Lecce and Taranto the II course of "Greek Language and Culture". The course will be held at the Liceo Linguistico Statale E. Palumbo (Public Linguistic High School) of Brindisi between February and May 2009.

As one of the activities of the Neohellenic Culture and Language Course organized in the frame of the Odysseus project in collaboration with the Language Service of the University of Murcia, a number of workshops have been held at the University of Murcia:

"The linguistic situation in Greece. Introduction to Modern Greek" (21/12/2008, prof. Morales Ortiz)
"Introduction to Modern Greece: Geographical and Historical Aspects" (20/01/2009, prof. Morales Ortiz)
"Workshop on Greek Gastronomy" (26/01/2009, prof. Martinez Campillo).

The presentation of the multimedia didactic and educational material and tools of the project ODYSSEUS, enhancing Modern Greek popularization and learning, within the European Programme LIFELONG LEARNING, took place in Brindisi on January 28th, at the Salone M.M. Guadalupi of the City Council.
All the main institutional town-authorities, the Headmasters and the teachers of all the Middle and High schools of Brindisi and Province and all the citizens were invited to the initiative promoted by the Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale Euromediteraneo in collaboration with the Hellenic Community of Brindisi, Lecce and Taranto.

Article on the Odysseus Project and its activities in the supplement Paraninfo of the newspaper La Opinión de Murcia (on 19th December 2008)

On 28th November 2008, at the University of Málaga, profesor Alicia Morales gave a lecture on "Ideas and Materials for teaching / Learning Modern Greek: The Odysseus Project".

On 17th November 2008 started the "Course of Modern Greek Language and Culture" organized by the Odysseus Project and the Institute of Languages of the University of Murcia.

Professor Alicia Morales, academic coordinator of the Odysseus Project, is interviewed on the radio in the program "Hoy por hoy Murcia" (Cadena Ser) with Lucia Hernández (direct boradcast on November 12th 2008).
Download sound file (12 MB)

The course will start on 17 November and will take place at the Campus de La Merced of the University of Murcia. The course is addressed to those who want to learn Greek Language and to discover modern greek Culture.

Informative Leaflet (Format: jpg)

The Greek Language School "Alexander the Great" of the British Hellenic College has organized in Athens, in the framework of Odysseus Project, two free Modern Greek Courses for Inmigrants.

The second meeting of the Odysseus Project partners took place at the Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale Euromediterraneo in Lecce (Italy), between October 6-7, 2008. During the intensive working sessions the good progress of the project was confirmed, and issues related to the plan of activities and the project management were debated.

Forthcoming meeting of Odysseus participants: 6-7 October. It will take place at the Agenzia per il Patrimonio Culturale Euromediterraneo in Lecce, Italy.

Agenda meeting Lecce (Format: pdf)

Information about the Odysseus Project in The Parliament Magazine, Issue 273, page 16.

Consult magazine (Format: pdf)

On 24-25 February 2008 the Odysseus Project kick-off meeting took place at the Arts School of the University of Murcia. The meeting was hosted by the Classics Department and the International Relations Service of the University of Murcia.

Professor Alicia Morales, academic coordinator of the Odysseus Project, is interviewed at Universia.

consult interview

Università di Murcia. Dipartimento di Filologia Classica / Ufficio di Relazioni Internationali