Complementos formativos Doctorado en Historia, Geografía e Historia del Arte: Sociedad, Territorio y Patrimonio

The Commission will analyze the curricula of admitted students and, taking into account the tutor/supervisor’s recommendations, the Commission will inform individually and reasonably regarding the training complements that the student must carry out and the schedule to do so. Thus, enrolled students who did not complete a minimum of 12 credits of introduction to research or of specific methodological subjects in their master's degrees must complete a maximum of 12 credits from the master’s degrees in Territory and Landscape: Analysis and Management Tools or from Research and Management of Historical-Artistic and Cultural Heritage.

Training complement Subject Credits
1. Analysis and Modelling of Spatial Data Analysis and Modelling of Spatial Data from the master’s degree in Territory and Landscape: Analysis and Management Tools 3 ECTS
2. Territorial Applications
of GIS. Documentary Sources, Collection, and Application
Territorial Applications of GIS. Documentary Sources, Collection, and Application from the master’s degree in Territory and Landscape: Analysis and Management Tools 6 ECTS
3. Techniques and methods of advanced research Techniques and methods of advanced research from the master’s degree in Research and Management of Historic, Artistic and Cultural Heritage 6 ECTS
4. Research in History Subject: Historical Research. Master’s degree in Research and Management of Historic, Artistic and Cultural Heritage 6 ECTS
5. Application of Analysis Methodologies in Socio-Demographic Studies Application of Analysis Methodology in Sociodemographic Studies. Master’s degree in Territory and Landscape: Analysis and Management Tools 3 ECTS

Please see below information on content, learning outcomes, activities and evaluation criteria for each training course:

Complementary Training 1

Name of Subject: Analysis and Modelling of Spatial Data (3 ECTS)

Degree: University Master’s Degree in Territory and Landscape: Analysis and Management Tools.

Language: Spanish

Type of Teaching: Face-to-face


In line with the objectives of the master’s degree, this subject aims to consolidate the theoretical and especially practical basis necessary for modelling geographical data. These abstract representations of reality must be part of the knowledge acquired by the geographer in order to be able to simulate and predict different processes.

The use of geographic information systems allows to combine different techniques with cartographic visualisation, facilitating the analysis and interpretation of results.

Conditions of access to the subject


Students are recommended to have a basic knowledge of office computing, geographic information systems and statistics, as well as a certain command of English so that they can access a wider bibliography.

Competences of the subject and their relationship with the competences of the doctorate

Competence 1. Be able to express themselves correctly in Spanish within the scope of the discipline

This competence of the subject is not related to any competence of the doctorate.

Competence 2. Be able to manage the information and knowledge within the scope of the discipline, including knowing how to use it

This competence of the subject is not related to any competence of the doctorate.

Competence 3. Be able to work in a team and to relate to other people from the same or other field

This competence of the subject is not related to any competence of the doctorate.

Competence 4. Develop research initiation skills

This competence of the subject is not related to any competence of the doctorate.


  • Block 1: Information sources. Nature and quality of data
  • Block 2: Digital terrain models
  • Block 3: Hydrological and hydraulic modelling
  • Block 4: Graphical and cartographic representation of results


  • Practice 1. Data entry: Related to the contents of Block 1 and Block 4. Own data entry and access, integration and use of the geographic information available in WMS services
  • Practice 2. Descriptive analysis of information: Related to the contents of Block 2 and Block 4. Basic data statistics
  • Practice 3. Modelling: Related to the contents of Block 3 and Block 4. Models applied to environmental systems

Teaching Methodology

Training activity Methodology Contact hours Autonomous work Workload
Theory   8 16 24
Practical lessons   16 32 48
Exam   3 3  

Evaluation system

Assessed competence Methods/tools Assessment Criteria Weighting
1 Attendance and participation Active participation in the classroom 5
3 Practice - Clarity in the diagrams for the resolution of the practice.


- Structuring and systematisation

- Correct resolution of practical cases

4 Exam - Practical and theorical knowledge of the subject
- Structuring ideas and content
- Clarity and accuracy in answers

Complementary training 2

Name of Subject: Territorial Applications of GIS. Documentary Sources. Collection and Application (6 ECTS)

Degree: Master's Degree in Territory and Landscape: Analysis and Management Tools

Language of instruction: Spanish

Type of Teaching: Face-to-face


This course will provide the student with an updated review of documentary sources of territorial information, their origins and applicable legal regulations in each case; all this will take into consideration geographic, environmental, social and/or economic aspects.

In addition, a large number of practices will be carried out to show the student the applicability of Geographic Information Systems for land management.

Access conditions for the subject

Competences of the subject and their relationship with the competences of the doctorate

Competence 1. C3. Know how to handle, apply and assess Geographic Information Systems.

GM1. Ability for information organisation and planning.
GM2. Aptitude to permanently contribute to the conceptual and methodological development of their speciality.
GM3. Solvency and autonomy in problem solving and decision making
GM4. Ability for analysis and synthesis of complex and, on occasions, limited and contradictory information.
GM5. Ability to communicate complex results and valuations to specialised and non-specialised audiences.
GM8. Aptitude to work in an interdisciplinary team and make contributions from the discipline itself.
GM10. Interpersonal skills
GM11.Intelligent handling of information sources
GM12. Continual autonomous learning for their permanent training
GM13. Adaptation to new situations
GM15. Motivation for quality

C3. Aptitude to handle the advanced methodologies and techniques applicable to territorial and landscape ordination (GIS, cartography, statistical information, field work).

C4. Ability to apply and integrate knowledge, at different territorial scales, regarding complex and novel issues in matters of territorial and landscape ordination.

I1. Ability to carry out original research which promotes the progress of knowledge in the vanguard of their discipline so as to merit publication in prestigious national or international media.

I3. Aptitude to evaluate the advanced methodologies and techniques applicable to territorial and landscape ordination (GIS, cartography, statistical information, field work, etc.).

I4. Introduction to the advanced research methods and techniques related to territorial and landscape ordination.

P1. Ability to carry out diagnosis and to elaborate proposals for territorial management.

P4. Application of advanced methodologies and techniques applicable to territorial and landscape ordination (GIS, cartography, statistical information, field work, etc.).

Competence 2. C4. Ability to perform environmental diagnosis and elaborate proposals for territorial and landscape ordination.
This competence of the subject is not related to any competence of the doctorate

Competence 3. I1. Ability to participate in the writing and elaboration, management, monitoring and control of environmental and territorial policies, plans and projects with GIS and critical reasoning.
This competence of the subject is not related to any competence of the doctorate.

Competence 9. I3. Aptitude to assess the methodologies and techniques applicable to territorial and landscape ordination.
This competence of the subject is not related to any competence of the doctorate.

Competence 10. I4. Design methodological plans that have GIS as their instrument, though autonomous learning.
This competence of the subject is not related to any competence of the doctorate.

Competence 11. P1. Diagnose the problems and perspectives of the territory using appropriate instruments and be able to qualitatively and quantitatively interpret the data through GIS.
This competence of the subject is not related to any competence of the doctorate.

Competence 12. P4. Apply the advanced methodologies of GIS in territorial and landscape management.
This competence of the subject is not related to any competence of the doctorate.


Topic 1 Sectorial regulations for land and landscape use and management.

Topic 2 Gathering and organisation of geographic data for GIS treatment.

Topic 3 Development of territorial and environmental diagnoses.

Topic 4 Spatial analysis of geographic information with GIS tools.

Topic 5 Visualisation, presentation and dissemination of geographic information.


Practice 1. Problem-based learning: Global

Practice will be carried out using a participatory methodology and GIS tools, by means of problem-based learning in which the student will work in group and present the results to the whole class.

Practice 2. Case Studies: Global

Each group will be given real cases in order to apply the different reviewed methodologies.

This is a methodology based on case studies that allows students to show their acquired critical knowledge on the application of sector legislation to the field of territorial and landscape management.

The students will also demonstrate the acquired capacities to carry out environmental diagnoses and to design, manage and validate the applied methodologies. The results will be presented by groups in a final document.

Teaching Methodology

Training activity Methodology Contact hours Autonomous work Workload
Training activity Methodology Contact hours Autonomous work Workload
Introduction to the subject   2 0 2
Theoretical presentation Lectures 16 30 46
Problem-based learning Methodology based on the study of real cases, presented to students to analyse the application of the different methodologies and the impact of sectoral legislation on the activity development. 12 32 44
Case-studies The students will be given different cases to conduct territorial studies taking into account both national, sectoral and local legislation. 14 40 54
Exams   4 0 4

Evaluation system:

Assessed competence Method Assessment Criteria Weighting
All Written test Basic theoretical knowledge on the subject taught in the classroom. 55
All Practice 1. Real case study - A portfolio will be prepared with the presentation of practice carried out in the computer room.
- Both the content and the paper presentation (formal aspects: title, index, bibliography, etc.) will be weighted. A document with aspects to be assessed will be delivered.
All Practice 2.
- A portfolio will be prepared with a presentation of the practice carried out in the computer room.
Both the content and the paper presentation (formal aspects: title, index, bibliography, etc.) will be evaluated. A document with aspects to be assessed will be delivered.

Complementary training 3

Name of Subject: Techniques and Methods of Advanced Research (6 ECTS)

Degree: Master's Degree in Research and Management of Historical-Artistic and Cultural Heritage

Language of instruction: Spanish

Type of Teaching: Face-to-face


A key subject for the theoretical and professional training of Graduates, for the research, analysis and interpretation of works of art and for the management of Heritage. The subject will provide the student with conceptual key knowledge for analysing and studying the artistic and cultural heritage, the models, the approaches and methods, the conceptual and theoretical assessment, research techniques and use of ICTs.

It is therefore considered a basic subject within the doctorate, since the theoretical-practical training received will be essential to make the most of an important amount of the material covered within the general master’s degree programme, as well as contributing knowledge and work methods that are essential for the future Art Historian as a member integrated within interdisciplinary groups working in Heritage.

Competences of the subject and their relationship with the competences of the doctorate

Competence 1. Capacity to use specific terminology correctly
Know the different methodologies of the History of Art and the terminologies associated, and their application to management and research, specifically in the fields of historic-artistic and cultural heritage.

Competence 2. Capacity to work in interdisciplinary groups and execute the projects designed.
Be able to treat the artistic phenomena and heritage goods in a comprehensive way, contextualising them in a global perspective of historical and cultural study, as well as in specific territorial coordinates.

Know the different methodologies of the History of Art and the terminologies associated, and their application to management and research, specifically in the fields of historic-artistic and cultural heritage.

Know the artistic fact in depth, systematically, and in an integrated manner: different languages (architecture and urbanism, sculpture, painting, photography, cinema, music, decorative and sumptuary arts), procedures and techniques in artistic production throughout history and their application to the research and management of heritage.

Know iconography in depth, in so far as being the key to interpreting images, and the typologies, as key to the knowledge of the functional and representative values of art, with special reference to aspects related to research, as well as its repercussion on the practical aspects of heritage management.

Practical competence and experience that enable the study and interpretation of artistic manifestations: states of the matter, integral analysis of the work of art, reposing problems, search for unpublished information, posing hypotheses, critical synthesis processes, ordered forming of conclusions, art criticism and valuing its importance in both research as well as in professional aspects of heritage management.

Understand the history and current problems of conservation, restoration criteria and management of historic-artistic and cultural heritage.

Be able to apply advanced knowledge of Museology and Museography.

Be able to apply advanced knowledge of the management of historic-artistic and cultural heritage: inventory, documentation, cataloguing, exhibitions, and dissemination of art.

Be able to apply advanced knowledge of the art market: antiquarians, galleries, appraisal and patronage.

Be able to adequately use instrumental media applied to the History of Art; be able to interpret and handle graphics, drawing, photography, moving images and materials of works of art.

Competence 3. Capacity to know and apply or discard the different historiographic models.
Be able to treat the artistic phenomena and heritage goods in a comprehensive manner, contextualising them in a global perspective of historical and cultural study, as well as in specific territorial coordinates.

Know the different methodologies of the History of Art and the terminologies associated, and their application to the management and research, specifically in the fields of historic-artistic and cultural heritage.

Know the artistic fact in depth, systematically and in an integrated manner: different languages (architecture and urbanism, sculpture, painting, photography, cinema, music, decorative and sumptuary arts), procedures and techniques in artistic production throughout history and their application to the research and management of heritage.

Know iconography in depth, in so far as being the key to interpreting images, and the typologies, as key to the knowledge of the functional and representative values of art, with special reference to aspects related to research, as well as its repercussion on the practical aspects of heritage management.

Practical competence and experience that enables the study and interpretation of artistic manifestations:states of the matter, integral analysis of the work of art, reposing problems, search for unpublished information, posing hypotheses, critical synthesis processes, ordered forming of conclusions, art criticism and valuing its importance in both research as well as in professional aspects of heritage management.

Understand the history and current problems of conservation, restoration criteria and management of historic-artistic and cultural heritage.

Be able to apply advanced knowledge of Museology and Museography.

Be able to apply advanced knowledge on the management of historic-artistic and cultural heritage: inventory, documentation, cataloguing, exhibitions and dissemination of art.

Be able to apply advanced knowledge of the art market: antiquarian, galleries, appraisal and patronage.

Be able to adequately use instrumental media applied to the History of Art: be able to interpret and handle graphics, drawing, photography, moving images and materials of works of art.

Competence 4. Capacity to choose the focus, techniques and specific research instruments appropriate for the analysis and interpretation of the work of art, in each management project, in each of the fields of Heritage.

Know the different methodologies of the History of Art and the terminologies associated, and their application to management and research, specifically in the fields of historic-artistic and cultural heritage.

Know the artistic fact in depth, systematically and in an integrated manner: different languages (architecture and urbanism, sculpture, painting, photography, cinema, music, decorative and sumptuary arts), procedures and techniques in artistic production throughout history and their application to the research and management of heritage.

Be able to adequately use instrumental media applied to the History of Art: be able to interpret and handle graphics, drawing, photography, moving images and materials of works of art.

Competence 5. Capacity to execute assessments of research programmes in management of Heritage.

Be able to treat the artistic phenomena and heritage goods in a comprehensive way, contextualising them in a global perspective of historical and cultural study, as well as in specific territorial coordinates.

Know the different methodologies of the History of Art and the terminologies associated, and their application to management and research, specifically in the fields of historic-artistic and cultural heritage.

Know the artistic fact in depth, systematically and in an integrated manner: different languages (architecture and urbanism, sculpture, painting, photography, cinema, music, decorative and sumptuary arts), procedures and techniques in artistic production throughout history and their application to the research and management of heritage.

Know iconography in depth, in so far as being the key to interpreting images, and the typologies, as key to the knowledge of the functional and representative values of art, with special reference to aspects related to research, as well as its repercussion on the practical aspects of heritage management.

Practical competence and experience that enable the study and interpretation of artistic manifestations: states of the matter, integral analysis of the work of art, reposing problems, search for unpublished information, posing hypotheses, critical synthesis processes, ordered forming of conclusions, art criticism and valuing its importance in both research as well as in professional aspects of heritage management.

Understand the history and current problems of conservation, restoration criteria and management of historic-artistic and cultural heritage.

Be able to apply advanced knowledge of Museology and Museography.

Be able to apply advanced knowledge of the management of historic-artistic and cultural heritage: inventory, documentation, cataloguing, exhibitions and dissemination of art.

Be able to apply advanced knowledge of the art market: antiquarians, galleries, appraisal and patronage.

Be able to adequately use instrumental media applied to the History of Art: be able to interpret and handle graphics, drawing, photography, moving images and materials of works of art.

Competence 6. Capacity to interpret and value research projects in different contexts.

Be able to treat the artistic phenomena and heritage goods in a comprehensive way, contextualising them in a global perspective of historical and cultural study, as well as in specific territorial coordinates.

Know the different methodologies of the History of Art and the terminologies associated, and their application to management and research, specifically in the fields of historic-artistic and cultural heritage.

Know the artistic fact in depth, systematically and in an integrated manner: different languages (architecture and urbanism, sculpture, painting, photography, cinema, music, decorative and sumptuary arts), procedures and techniques in artistic production throughout history and their application to the research and management of heritage.

Know iconography in depth, in so far as being the key to interpreting images, and the typologies, as key to the knowledge of the functional and representative values of art, with special reference to aspects related to research, as well as its repercussion on the practical aspects of heritage management.

Practical competence and experience that enable the study and interpretation of artistic manifestations: states of the matter, integral analysis of the work of art, reposing problems, search for unpublished information, posing hypotheses, critical synthesis processes, ordered forming of conclusions, art criticism and valuing its importance in both research as well as in professional aspects of heritage management.

Understand the history and current problems of conservation, restoration criteria and management of historic-artistic and cultural heritage.

Be able to apply advanced knowledge of Museology and Museography.

Be able to apply advanced knowledge on the management of historic-artistic and cultural heritage: inventory, documentation, cataloguing, exhibitions and dissemination of art.

Be able to apply advanced knowledge of the art market: antiquarians, galleries, appraisal and patronage.

Be able to adequately use instrumental media applied to the History of Art: be able to interpret and handle graphics, drawing, photography, moving images and materials of works of art.

Competence 7. Capacity to use telematic resources such as databases, on-line bibliographies, search engines, etc. through ICTs.

Be able to adequately use instrumental media applied to the History of Art: be able to interpret and handle graphics, drawing, photography, moving images and materials of works of art.


Block 1: What and how to research

Topic 1 What to research on History of Art and Heritage

Topic 2 How to research on History of Art and Heritage

Block 2: ICTs and documentation

Topic 1 How to write about History of Art and Heritage

Topic 2 ICTs and documentation in History of Art and Heritage

Topic 3 Technical Spelling


Practice 1. Practical preparation of a Scrivener project.

Practice 2. Comprehensive analysis and summary of texts and documents. Search, reading, comprehensive analysis and summary of a chosen text (Practices in Library).

Practice 3. Data collection and organisation of information. Data collection and organisation of information. Hypothesis formulation. (Practices in the classroom)

Practice 4. Write and edit an academic text. Comment and quote: technical spelling. (Practices in the classroom)

Practice 5. Bibliographical sources, encyclopaedias and dictionaries. Searches for bibliographical catalogues, encyclopaedias and dictionaries. (Practices in ALA)

Practice 6. Databases and Internet. Searches in databases and practices on Internet. (Practices in ALA)

Teaching Methodology

Training activity Methodology Face-to-face hours Autonomous work Workload
THEORY LESSONS Theory lessons. Sessions of face-to-face theoretical teaching. Student’s attendance and participation will be assessed. 18 54 72
PRACTICAL LESSONS The student will be requested to actively participate both in the tasks performed in the classroom (debates, presentation of results, etc.) and in other activities outside the classroom for the analysis and the direct contact with sources and documents. 12 40 52
TUTORSHIP Guidance and research proposals with recommended bibliography. 6 8 14

Evaluation system

Assessed competence Method Assessment Criteria Weighting
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Attendance checklist Attendance and participation in the classroom 20
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Portfolio or folder on Practice - Inclusion and evaluation of all activities
- Clarity of presentation
- Structuring and systematisation
- Originality and creativity
- Critical and self-critical capacity
- Capacity for analysis and synthesis
- Integration of bibliography
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1 Carry out supervised work or case studies and
Theoretical-practical test
Presentation of the work
- Inclusion of all agreed points
- Development of a content index
- Command and accuracy in formulation
- Structuring and systematisation
- Coherence between the elements
- Capacity for analysis and synthesis
- Integration of bibliography
- Mastery of the subject
- Accuracy in answers
- Clarity of presentations
- Structuring ideas
- Critical spirit in presenting contents
- Planning and organisation of time

Training complement 4:

This training complement corresponds to the subject Historical Research (6 ECTS) of the Master’s Degree in Research and Management of Historical-Artistic and Cultural Heritage, and consists of two subjects:

  • Sources for History: epistemology and analysis of documents (3 ECTS).
  • Research Methods and Techniques (3 ECTS).

Results of Learning

  • Knowledge and mastery of the epistemological foundations of scientific research.
  • Mastery of the methods and techniques of research in human and social sciences.
  • Critical and independent thought.
  • Preparation of works, essays, and reports of a scientific, technical and/or informative nature.
  • Dissemination of the general results and conclusions generated in specialised academic media.
  • Showing and defending the results obtained in research work.


  • The logic of research in social and human sciences.
  • Theory and trends in History and Archaeology.
  • Epistemological foundations of historical knowledge.
  • Basic concepts of historical analysis.
  • Explanation and understanding of the historical process: economic, social, political and cultural changes.
  • Methodologies and techniques for the analysis of the material and immaterial culture.
  • Research projects applied to History and Historical Heritage.
  • Basic sources for historical research and knowledge of heritage.
  • Analysis and interpretation of digital and audio-visual media.
  • Elaboration of original scientific work.

Competences or skills acquired:

  • Basic

CB1. The students will acquire advanced and demonstrated knowledge in a context of scientific and technological or highly specialised research, detailed comprehension founded in the theoretical and practical aspects of the work methodology in one or more fields of study.
CB2. They will know how to apply and integrate their knowledge, understanding that knowledge, its scientific foundation, and problem-solving skills in new and imprecisely defined environments, including both multidisciplinary research and highly specialised professional contexts.
CB3. Have demonstrated that they are capable of designing a research project with which to carry out critical analysis and assessment of imprecise situations where they apply their contributions, knowledge and work methods to carry out a synthesis of new and complex ideas that produce more profound knowledge of the research context in which they work.
CB5. Have shown that they are able to develop research work with social responsibility and scientific integrity.
CB6. Have justified that they are able to participate in scientific discussions that take place at international level in their field of knowledge and to disseminate the results of their research activity to all manner of audiences.
CB7. Have demonstrated within their specific scientific context that they are able to bring about advances in cultural, social or technological aspects, as well as to foster innovation in all areas in a knowledge-based society.

  • General

CG1. Capacity to provide specialised responses to the problems derived from advanced research in History and the management of historic heritage.
CG2. Be able to solvently apply the concepts and theories inherent in Social Sciences and Humanities, in the scopes of advanced research in History and the management of historic heritage.
CG3. Capacity to know, understand and use the main research contents and techniques of the historic and archaeological disciplines, applied to the study and dissemination of historical heritage.
CG5. Capacity to manage interpretation tools for historical heritage in order to put it to the service of society.
CG7. Be able to elaborate reflective judgements on the historical sources and resources, having critical and self-critical capacity in the contents inherent to the qualification.
CG8. Demonstrate the capacity to pose hypotheses and resolve problems in the scope of History and Historical Heritage.
CG9. Have the capacity to articulate communicative strategies with experts in the areas of knowledge involved in the qualification.
CG11. Be able to take on coordination tasks in scientific and professional works derived from the specialisation of the qualification.
CG13. Be able to respect the ethical principles that govern the management of historical heritage and scientific research.

  • Specific

CE1: Capacity to identify, understand and apply current theories and methodologies of the historical and archaeological disciplines.
CE2: Capacity to know and manage research methods and techniques applied to the knowledge and interpretation of History sources.
CE3: Be able to manage specialised tools for the management of historical heritage in public and private institutions.
CE4: Be able to transform the material heritage in a historical document.
CE9: Capacity to explain the conformation of the power structures and the identities of historical becoming.
CE10: Be able to research the ways of occupying and exploiting space by the human being, deducing its economic, social and cultural consequences.
CE11: Capacity to relate the forms of social organisation with the processes of hierarchisation and dominion and resulting unrest.
CE13: Demonstrate the capacity to explain the evolution of the concepts of culture, identity, gender and heritage as a reflection of the processes of change experienced by societies.
CE14: Be able to interpret the ways of cultural representation and their repercussions in social organisation.
CE15: Have the capacity to transmit the research results of historical resources.

  • Specific to the subject

CM1. Be able to master the concepts, media, and techniques of historical research.
CM2. Develop critical and scientific spirit to face the problems of history and archaeology.
CM3. Capacity to analyse sources of a historical and archaeological nature.
CM4. Acquire skills for the use and recovery of document, bibliographic and archaeological sources.
CM5. Be able to manage computer resources for History.
CM6. Capacity to organise and structure the knowledge acquired throughout the research process.

Training activities

code Training activity Number of hours
AF1 Theory lessons / Lectures / Assessment 30
AF2 Tutorial 4
AF3 Seminars / Case studies / Exhibition and discussion of work 14
Classroom activities (32%) Self-study activities (68%)<
A. Theory activities (50%) B. Practical activities
C. Tutorials
D. Assessment activities (10%)
CB1 *   *   *
CB2   * * * *
CB3   * * * *
CB5   *     *
CB6   * *   *
CB7 * * *   *
CG1 *   * * *
CG2 *   * * *
CG3 *       *
CG5   * *   *
CG7 *     * *
CG8 *     * *
CG9   * *   *
CG11   * *   *
CG13   * *   *
CE1 *   * * *
CE2   * * * *
CE3   *   * *
CE4   *     *
CE9 *     * *
CE10 * * * * *
CE11 *   * * *
CE13 * *   * *
CE14 *     * *
CE15 * *     *
CM1 *   * * *
CM2   * * * *
CM3   *     *
CM4   * *   *
CM5   *   * *
CM6   *   * *

Teaching methodology

  • MD1: Theory activities.

MD1.1: Class sessions with the teacher

MD1.2: Exhibition Activities

MD1.3: Practical classroom activities

MD1.4: Seminars

  • MD3: Tutorials
  • Group Tutorials
  • Individual Tutorials

Assessment system

Instrument Weighting
Follow up of student’s work 10-20%
Written work 30-70%
Oral presentation 10-20%

Complementary training 5

Name of Subject: Application of Analysis Methodologies in Socio-demographic Studies (3 ECTS)

Degree: Master's Degree in Territory and Landscape: Analysis and Management Tools

Language of instruction: Spanish

Type of Teaching: Face-to-face


The different socio-demographic trends and phenomena related to population growth, population aging, migratory flows, economic activity and other variables have awakened such great interest that studying them has become a key tool for both scientific research and professional practice. The subject aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • Provide the keys to interpreting demographic phenomena.
  • Reveal the interrelations between geo-demographic phenomena and economic, social and cultural processes.
  • Training for the critical analysis of current geo-demographic situations and processes.

Access conditions for the subject

Competences of the subject and their relationship with the competences of the doctorate

Competence 1. C1. Acquire skills and abilities in work of applied nature.
GM1. Capacity to organise information and planning.
GM4. Capacity to analyse and synthesise complex and, on occasions, limited or contradictory information.
GM8.- Aptitude to work in an interdisciplinary team and make contributions from the discipline itself.
GM11.-Intelligent handling of information sources.

Competence 2. C2. Knowledge of socio-demographic sources.
GM1. Capacity to organise information and planning.
GM11.- Intelligent handling of information sources.
C4. Capacity to apply and integrate knowledge, at different territorial scales, on complex and novel questions in matters of territorial and landscape ordination.

Competence 3. C4. Capacity for the analysis, weighting and synthesis of the different socio-demographic phenomena and their repercussions in the territorial structures.
GM4. Capacity to analyse and synthesise complex and, on occasions, limited or contradictory information.
GM8.- Aptitude to work in an interdisciplinary team and make contributions from the discipline itself.
C3. Aptitude to handle the advanced methodologies and techniques applicable to territorial and landscape ordination (GIS, cartography, statistical information, field work).

Competence 4. I2. Know how to manage data bases and assessment methods of demographic phenomena.
GM1. Capacity to organise information and planning.
GM2. Aptitude to permanently contribute to the methodological and conceptual development of their speciality.
GM4. Capacity to analyse and synthesise complex and, on occasions, limited or contradictory information.
I3. Aptitude to handle the advanced methodologies and techniques applicable to territorial and landscape ordination (GIS, cartography, statistical information, field work).

Competence 5. C3, I3, P4. Knowledge and evaluation of processing and techniques for socio-demographic analysis, including the capacity for their quantitative and qualitative interpretation.
GM15.-Motivation for quality
C2. Critical understanding of the conceptual and theoretical foundations needed for territorial and landscape ordination.
C3. Aptitude to handle the advanced methodologies and techniques applicable to territorial and landscape ordination (GIS, cartography, statistical information, field work).
I1. Capacity to carry out original research which promotes the progress of knowledge in the vanguard of their discipline so as to merit publication in prestigious national or international media.


Block 1: Sociologies of space

Topic 1 The social construction of space

Topic 2 The processes and factors of space construction from a historical perspective.

Block 2: Socio-demographic sources for the analysis of territorial demography

Topic 3 Documentary sources and resources. Historical and current resources

Topic 4 Current and prospective socio-demographic and territorial processes

Block 3: Socio-demographic indicators

Topic 5 Socio-demographic structures

Topic 6 Socio-demographic dynamics


Practice 1. Analysis and reflection about documents on social space: Global

Practice 2. Analysis and interpretation of socio-demographic paths: Global

Practice 3. Gathering and treatment of socio-demographic statistical information: Global

Teaching methodology

Training activity Face-to-face hours Autonomous work Workload
1. Theory lessons: presentation in the computer room of key concepts and sources. This activity reinforces the generic competences (GM1, GM3, GM11) and the specific competences (C2, I2). 12 18 30
2. In-class practice in the computer room. This activity reinforces the generic competences (GM1) and the specific competences (C1, C2, C3, I2, I3, P4). 10 15 25
5. Continuous and final evaluation 2 18 20

Assessment system:

Methods/Tools Assessment criteria Weight
Oral and written presentation Presentation of key concepts and sources in the classroom. This activity reinforces the generic competences (GM1, GM3, GM11) and the specific competences (C2, I2). 25
Practice: assessment of the practical activity in individual work This activity reinforces the generic competences (GM1) and the specific competences (C1, C2, C3, I2, I3, P4). 25
Personal work This activity reinforces the generic competences (GM1, GM2, GM3) and the specific competences (C1, C2, C3, I2, I3, P4). 50