English Language Teaching: History, Approaches and Methods

Assessment System

Competence assessed Assessment methods / tools Assessment criteria Weighting
1, 2 Student’s attendance and active participation
  • Attendance checklists in the practical sessions and ECTS tutorials assigned by the teaching team.
  • Active participation, individual or in group, in the practice sessions and ECTS tutorials assigned by the teaching team.
1, 2 Type B Practice Activities (portfolio) Understanding and implementation by the students, both individually and in groups, of the information presented in the participative lectures and / or obtained from complementary sources. This criterion will be assessed through oral presentations, written exercises and any other activities of a practical nature. 3
1, 2 Written exam
(Multiple-choice- test)
Correction of the answers 6

Observations of assessment:

  • Passing the examination (Summative Assessment) is the essential requirement to pass the course. Passing means obtaining at least 50% of the total mark in this exam.
  • The mark obtained in the other assessment tools (formative assessment) will be added to the final exam mark as long as a mark of at least 50% of the exam has been achieved.
  • If the total score of the assessment exam is less than 50%, the course will be considered as failed.
  • Attendance at practical sessions is compulsory, as agreed by the Board of the English Department.
  • An ECTS tutorial will be reserved to inform students of any aspect related to the practical component of the course.
  • The teaching staff of the course is fully committed to the “Regulations of the English Department regarding the use of plagiarism and other unlawful means”. The detection of a case of plagiarism or the use of any other unlawful means automatically implies a rating of 0 marks in the respective assessment tool. More serious cases will be referred to the Academic Committee of the English Department to take appropriate action. To prevent such problems, at the beginning of the course students will be supplied with useful information about the appropriate use of sources according to academic conventions. Also, the teaching staff will be available throughout the course to answer any questions submitted by students about what constitutes a legitimate use of sources and what does not.
  • The teaching staff of the course is fully committed to the “Regulations on Classroom Behaviour” prepared and approved by the English Department in the academic year 2011-2012. Those rules will be applied in all respects. Students will be provided with related information at the beginning of the course.
  • In the event that the result of the exam in the first call (June) is “fail” or “no show”, the marks obtained in the remaining formative assessment tools will be retained for the following calls that students are entitled to in each enrollment. In turn, these marks will be added to those obtained in the exam, in the same way as in the first call in June.