XXV Congreso Internacional de AESLA

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Name (Institution)
Title of Paper


(U. of London)

'We are What we Write: the Role of Writing in the Academy'

Carmen MuÑoz

(U. Central, barcelona)

'Aprender un Idioma no es sólo una Cuestión de Edad'

Lourdes Ortega

(U. of Hawai at Manoa)

'Conocimiento y Multicompetencia: Dos Retos Contemporáneos para el Estudio de la Adquisición de Segundas Lenguas'

Françoise Salager-Meyer

(U. of Los Andes, Venezuela)

'Crítica, Ciencia e Historia: El Caso del Discurso Científico Español (s. XIX-XX)'



(U. of Georgetown, USA)

'Stylistic Variation and the Sociolinguistic Interview: A Reconsideration'

Jane Setter

(U. of Reading)

'Theories and Approaches in English Pronunciation'

Wolfgang Teubert

(U. of Birmingham)

'Discourse and Society: a Corpus Linguistics Perspective'


*(Click on the picture to see the abstract of the paper) 





For a complete list of our speakers and the abstracts of their papers, please, click on the link below:

List of Speakers




25th International AESLA Conference
(Spanish Society for Applied Linguistics)
University of Murcia, 19-21 April 2007

The Organising Committee



Web Page Created and Maintained by Nila Vázquez
Last Updated: 12/03/07