The thought behind forming this new Society arose from the successful European Concerted Research Action (COST 855) on Animal Chlamydioses and Zoonotic Implications that was funded by COST from 2003-2008, and the desire to keep together and build on the active and productive scientific community that arose from this Action in the form of biennial European meetings on animal and zoonotic aspects of chlamydial research (European Meetings on Animal Chlamydioses or EMAC).

The constitution of the Society was drafted by the group of scientists that were originally involved in the initiation, establishment and running of COST 855 and actively involved in subsequent EMAC meetings, and was presented to conference at the fourth EMAC meeting on 14 September 2017 that took place in Zagreb, Croatia and subsequently approved by the said scientists and ratified at the fifth EMAC meeting in Odessa, Ukraine on 4 October 2018. Council Office Bearers were elected by conference at this meeting.


  1. To promote and encourage cooperation in all aspects of animal chlamydial research, including biology, pathogenesis, immunology, epidemiology, typing, diagnostics and vaccinology, as well as zoonotic aspects, particularly in keeping with a One Health approach.
  2. To encourage exchange of information among scientists as well as engagement with industry, facilitated through the organisation of biennial meetings.
  3. To encourage inter-laboratory exchanges and collaboration between scientists, as well as with the commercial sector.
  4. To engage with stakeholders, governments, public bodies and organisations, providing advice on best practice and policy, providing disease and product gap analysis and disease control strategies, influencing disease and health-related legislation, as well as lobbying for increased awareness and funding opportunities.
  5. To publish proceedings from biennial meetings on latest research, produce position papers and reviews on specific topics promoting the work of the Society.
  6. To encourage and promote the active participation, development and training opportunities for young scientists in the field through Society meetings and activities.

Account handle is @ESACZOfficial

European Society of Animal Chlamydioses and associated Zoonoses

Universidad de Murcia Hosted by Universidad de Murcia

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