Society Meetings

Joint 6th European Meeting of Animal Chlamydioses & Zoonoses and 1st European Meeting of Intracellular Abortifacient Pathogens

28/29th Nov, Edinburgh Call for registrations

Further to the pre-announcement call that was sent out on 20 Feb 2023 we are now pleased to be able to open both registration and submission of abstracts for EMAC-6. Please carefully read the EMAC6 Call for Registration & Abstracts document, which details information on the conference, travel and advice on booking hotels, as well as some ideas of things to do in Edinburgh if you can extend your stay a day or two.

For details on how to register for the conference and make payment please carefully read the EMAC6 Registration Form. The registration fee covers the two days, including lunch, receptions and conference dinner. You will just need to book your own travel and hotel accommodation (we would recommend you book the hotel as quickly as possible as prices always increase). The form details the method of payment. Once the form is filled in and payment has been made please send the completed form to our e-mail address: .

The deadline for Registration at a delegate rate of 240 GBP is 08th September 2023.

Please also use the Abstract pro forma document for submission of your abstract. All abstracts will be reviewed by the EMAC-6 Scientific Committee and will be included in the EMAC-6 Proceedings which will be published and provided at the conference. The deadline for Abstract submission is 08th September 2023.

Please check here for EMAC-6 updates .

If you need any further information or help, then please contact us through our conference e-mail address () and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

Here you can Download the following documents:

On behalf of the Local Organising Committee and ESACZ Executive Council we look forward to seeing you in Edinburgh in November.

David Longbottom President, ESACZ

Account handle is @ESACZOfficial

Previous Meetings

5th European Meeting on Animal Chlamydiosis (EMAC-5) 2018

5th EMAC, Odessa, Ukraine, October 3th-5th, 2018

5th EMAC, Odessa, October 3th-5th, 2018

4th European Meeting on Animal Chlamydiosis (EMAC-4) 2017

4th EMAC, University of Zagreb, Croacia, September 13th-15th, 2017

4th EMAC, University of Zagreb, September 13th-15th, 2017

3rd European Meeting on Animal Chlamydioses (EMAC-3) 2015

3rd EMAC. Anses, Maison-Alfort, Paris, France, 24-25 September, 2015

3rd EMAC. Anses, Maison-Alfort, Paris, France, 24-25 September, 2015

2nd European Meeting on Animal Chlamydiosis (EMAC-2) 2013

2nd EMAC, Jena, Germany, 2013

2nd EMAC, Jena, Germany, 2013|

1st European Meeting on Animal Chlamydiosis (EMAC-1) 2009

1st EMAC. University of Murcia, Spain, June 14-16, 2009

1st EMAC
Murcia, Spain, June 14-16, 2009 |

Meetings of the European Concerted Research Action (COST 855) on Animal Chlamydioses and Zoonotic Implications (2003-2008)

Edinburgh 2006

Workshop of COST 855, Edinburgh, 3-5 September 2006

Siena 2005

Workshop of COST 855, Siena, 2005

Dublin 2003

Workshop of COST 855, Dublin, 2003

European Society of Animal Chlamydioses and associated Zoonoses

Universidad de Murcia Hosted by Universidad de Murcia

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