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Cognitive Factors and ELT: explicit and implicit teaching

29-30 November 2012, University of Murcia





Proposals for short papers and posters must be sent to: fcelt12@um.es

The language of the proposals should be English.

Proposals for short papers and posters should be sent before October 10, 2012. Proposals received after this date (and in any case before November 10, which will be the deadline) will be evaluated only in the case that the quota for presentations is not yet complete.

Proposals will be blind-reviewed by two specialists.
Authors of proposals sent before October 10 will receive notification before November 10, 2012.
Authors of proposals sent  after October 10 will receive notification before November 15, 2012.


Short papers:

-Should be prepared for a 10-minute period (ca. 2.000 words).

-Should include a 100-word abstract and a maximum of five keywords.

-Will adjust to the following format: Word processor: Word or .RTF

-Number of files to be sent: 2 files         

File 1: Named with the four first words of the title, adding number "1" to the fourth letter, as shown in this example: Explicit_and_Implicit_Teaching_1.doc 
This file should be anonymous.

File 2: Named with the four first words of the title, adding number "2" to the fourth letter, as shown in this example: Explicit_and_Implicit_Teaching_2.doc

This file will contain the body of the text with the information about the author(s) on the first page:
   -Email address
   -Postal address
   -Work Centre


-Will be sent in PDF format.
-Should include a 100-word abstract and a maximum of five keywords.
-Should be submitted in two files following the same procedure as specified in section 3.


Certificates of attendance and presentation will be issued only to those participants registered in the Symposium and who have paid the registration fee.

The number of participants to the Symposium is limited.
The amount of places reserved for those who want to attend the Symposium and do not present a paper or poster is limited to 100.







Information: fcelt12@um.es


Webpage created by Nila Vázquez
Last Update: 01/06/12