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 Principal | 1ªCircular | Envío de propuestas | Inscripción | Alojamiento | Programa 



Factores cognitivos y enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera: enseñanza explícita e implícita

29-30 Noviembre 2012, Universidad de Murcia


Programa detallado disponible pinchando aquí



Axis 1. Explicitness and implicitness in SLA
(Day 1. Morning timetable)


Select papers

Round Table

Jan H. Hulstjin (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

The concept of explicitness vs. implicitness in SLA

Judit Kormos (University of Lancaster, United Kingdom)
The role of individual differences in explicit and implicit learning

Carmen Muñoz (University of Barcelona, Spain)
Language awareness and language production in children

Cognitive factors: reception and production in L2

Chairperson: Carmen Muñoz (University of Barcelona, Spain)

Roger Gilabert (University of Barcelona, Spain)

 Joan Carles Mora (University of Barcelona, Spain)

María del Mar Suárez (University of Barcelona, Spain)

Axis 2.  The interface issue in SLA: implications for foreign language instruction
(Day 1. Afternoon timetable)

Plenary Select papers Round Table

Robert M. DeKeyser
(University of Maryland, United States of America)

The interface issue in SLA


Eva Alcón (University Jaume I. Castellón, Spain) 
Pragmatic instruction and its effects on explicit and implicit knowdledge

Patricia Salazar (University Jaume I. Castellón, Spain).
Corrective feedback, implicit and explicit knowledge: insights from stimulated recall

Where does foreign language instruction stand in the interface issue?

Chairperson: Aquilino Sánchez (University of Murcia, Spain)

Robert M. DeKeyser (University of Maryland, United States of America)

Raquel Criado (University of Murcia, Spain)

Ana Pellicer (University of Notthingham, United Kingdom)

Axis 3. Promoting explicit and implicit knowledge in foreign language instruction
(Day 2. Morning timetable)

Plenary Select papers Round Table

Martin Bygate
(University of Lancaster, United Kingdom)

Implicit and explicit learning in the classroom: a role for task repetition?


Mª Pilar García Mayo (University of the Basque Country, Spain)
Tasks targeting grammatical features and the implicit/explicit debate

Virginia Samuda (University of Lancaster, United Kingdom)
Integrating implicitness and explicitness in a task-based teaching cycle


Tasks  in foreign language instruction and the interface issue

Chairperson: Raquel Criado  (University of Murcia, Spain)

Michael Bygate (University of Lancaster. United Kingdom)

Virginia Samuda (University of Lancaster, United Kingdom)



Short papers and posters about any of the three axes of the Symposium
(Day 2. Afternoon timetable)







Información y contacto: fcelt12@um.es


Página Creada y Revisada por Nila Vázquez
Última Revisión: 01/06/12