Artículos JCR

Artículos en revistas incluidas en Science Citation Index (SCI) del Institute for Scientific Information (ISI)

  1. RAMÍREZ-GONZÁLEZ D, POTO A, PEINADO B, ALMELA L, NAVARRO-SERNA S, RUIZ S. EUltrasonography of pregnancy in Murciano-Granadina goat breed: fetal growth indices and umbilical artery Doppler parameters. Animals. 2023, 13, 618.

  2. LOPES JS, IVANOVA E, RUIZ S, ANDREWS S, KELSEY G, COY P. Effect of superovulation treatment on oocyte´s DNA methylation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022, 23, 16158. IF: 6,208.

  3. GALIÁN S, PEINADO B, ALMELA L, POTO Á, RUIZ S. Post-Thaw Quality of Spermatozoa Frozen with Three Different Extenders in the Murciano Granadina Goat Breed. Animals. 2023, 13, 309.

  4. PIÑEIRO-SILVA C, NAVARRO-SERNA S, BELDA-PÉREZ R, GADEA J. Production of genetically modified porcine embryos by lipofection of zona pellucida-intact oocytes using the CRISPR/Cas9 system. Animals. 2023, 13(3), 342.

  5. ROMERO-AGUIRREGOMEZCORTA J, RAMÍREZ LL, ORTÍN A, RAMIS G, L ROMAR R, COY P. Differences in weight, hierarchy, and incidence of lameness between two groups of adult pigs derived from assisted reproductive technologies. Animals. 2022, 12, 3578.

  6. ALMELA-VERACRUZ L, PEINADO-RAMÓN B, RUIZ-LÓPEZ S, POTO-REMACHA A. Influencia del donante de semen en la recongelación de espermatozoides bovinos de raza Murciano Levantina. ITEA-Información Técnica Económica Agraria. 2022; 118-4 (580-593).

  7. ATAMAN-MILLHOUSE LM, MONAHAN P, WILLINGHAM R, VIGONE G, SOULAKIS M, GADEA J, JIMÉNEZ-MOVILLA M, ROMAR R, CANOCAS S, WOODRUFF TK, DUNCAN FE. Broadening the educational pipeline: the global landscape of Master of Science programs in reproductive science and medicine. Biology of Reproduction. 2022; 118-4 (580-593).

  8. CRESPO S, GADEA J. La administración a cerdas de cloprostenol 24 horas después del parto reduce el intervalo destete-cubrición y mejora la tasa de partos en el ciclo siguiente. ITEA-Información Técnica Económica Agraria. 2022; 118, 427-440.

  9. LI Y, SENA LOPES J, COY P, RIVERA RM. Spontaneous and ART-induced large offspring syndrome: similarities and differences in DNA methylome. Epigenetics. 2022. IF: 4,584.

  10. LOPES JS, IVANOVA E, RUIZ S, ANDREWS S, KELSEY G, COY P. Effect of superovulation treatment on oocyte´s DNA methylation. nternational Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022;23:16158.

  11. LUONGO C, LLAMAS-LÓPEZ PJ, HERNÁNDEZ-CARAVACA I, MATAS C, GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA. Should all fractions of the boar ejaculate be prepared for insemination rather than using the sperm rich only? Biology. 2022.11(2):210.


  13. NAVARRO-SERNA S, DEHESA-ETXEBESTE M. PIÑEIRO-SILVA C, ROMAR R, LOPES JS, LOPEZ DE MUNAIN A, GADEA, J. Generation of Calpain-3 knock-out porcine embryos by CRISPR-Cas9 electroporation and intracytoplasmic microinjection of oocytes before insemination. Theriogenology. 2022;186:175-184.

  14. NAVARRO-SERNA S, PIÑEIRO-SILVA C, LUONGO C, PARRINGTON J, ROMAR R, GADEA, J. Effect of aphidicolin, a reversible inhibitor of eukaryotic nuclear DNA replication, on the production of genetically modified porcine embryos by CRISPR/Cas9. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 2135.

  15. COY P, ROMAR R, ROMERO-AGUIRREGOMEZCORTA J. The embryo culture media in the era of epigenetics: is it time to go back to nature? Animal Reproduction. 2022;19(1):e20210132.

  16. PARÍS-OLLER, C. MATÁS, R. ROMAR, J. S. LOPES, J. GADEA, S. CÁNOVAS, P. COY. Growth analysis and blood profile in piglets born by Embryo transfer. Research in Veterinary Science. January 2022. Volume 142, Pages 43-53.

  17. PICAZO CM, CASTAÑO C, BÓVEDA P, TOLEDANO-DÍAZ A, VELÁZQUEZ R, PEQUEÑO B, ESTESO MC, GADEA J, VILLAVERDE-MORCILLO S, CERDEIRA J, SANTIAGO-MORENO J. Cryopreservation of testis tissue from dog (Canis familiaris) and wild boar (Sus scrofa) by slow freezing and vitrification methods: Differences in cryoresistance according to the cellular type. Theriogenology. 2022.190, 65-72.

  18. ROMERO-AGUIRREGOMEZCORTA J, RAMÍREZ LL, ORTÍN A, RAMIS G, L ROMAR R, COY P. Differences in weight, hierarchy, and incidence of lameness between two groups of adult pigs derived from assisted reproductive technologies. Animals. 2022;12:3578.

  19. RUIZ S, GARDÓN JC, HERNÁNDEZ-CARAVACA I, LUONGO C, GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA. Analysis of uterine blood flow in breeding sows through the estrus, early diestrus and after artificial insemination. Veterinary Science. 2022 9, 260.

  20. LOPES JS, SORIANO-ÚBEDA C, PARÍS-OLLER C, NAVARRO SERNA S, CERON JJ, COY P. Year-long phenotypical study of calves derived from different assisted-reproduction technologies. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, section Animal Reproduction – Theriogenology. 2021.

  21. MARTIN-LOPEZ M, FERNANDEZ-MUÑOZ B, CANOVAS S. Pluripotent Stem Cells for Spinal Cord Injury Repair. Cells. 2021, 10(12), 3334.

  22. PARÍS-OLLER, C. SORIANO-ÚBEDA, R. BELDA-PÉREZ, L. SARRÍAS-GIL, J.S. LOPES, A. CANHA-GOUVEIA, L.A. VIEIRA, J. GADEA, F.A. GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ, R. ROMAR, S. CÁNOVAS, P. COY. Reproductive fluids, added to the culture media, contribute to minimizing phenotypical differences between in vitro-derived and artificial insemination-derived piglets. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. 2021.

  23. CANHA-GOUVEIA A, PRIETO-SÁNCHEZ MT, SÁNCHEZ-FERRER ML, MOLLÁ M, PARÍS-OLLER E, SORIANO C, LANDERAS J, COY P. Physicochemical and Functional Characterization of Woman Reproductive Fluids: First Two Babies Born After Addition of Fluids of Their Moms to Embryo Culture Media. Frontiers in Physiology (Developmental Physiology). August 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 710887. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.710887

  24. CANOVAS S, IVANOVA E, HAMDI M, PEREZ-SANZ F, RIZOS D, KELSEY G AND COY P. Culture medium and sex drive epigenetic reprogramming in preimplantation bovine embryos. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021 Jun 15;22(12):6426. doi: 10.3390/ijms22126426

  25. CRESPO S, GADEA J. Relación entre el peso al nacimiento de los lechones de cerdas hiperprolíficas y los parámetros productivos y económicos en los cerdos de engorde. ITEA-Información Técnica Económica Agraria. 2021. 117(2): 173-190. doi: 10.12706/itea.2020.022

  26. GALIÁN S, PEINADO B, RUIZ S, POTO A, ALMELA L, CASTILLO J, LOZANO S (2021) Uso de la ecografía para el diagnóstico y seguimiento de la gestación en la cabra Murciano-Granadina. Archivos de zootecnia. 70 (269):104-111. doi: 10.21071/az.v70i269.5424

  27. GOMEZ-REDONDO I, PLANELLS B, CANOVAS S, IVANOVA E, KELSEY G, GUTIERREZ-ADAN A (2021) Genome-wide DNA methylation dynamics during epigenetic reprogramming in the porcine germline. Clin Epigenetics 13 (1):27. doi: 10.1186/s13148-021-01003-x

  28. LOPEZ-ALBORS O, LLAMAS-LOPEZ PJ, ORTUÑO J, LATORRE R, GARCIA-VAZQUEZ FA. In vivo measurement of pH and CO2 levels in the uterus of sows through the estrous cycle and after insemination. Scientific reports 2021; 11 (1):3194. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-82620-7

  29. MARTÍNEZ-FRESNEDA L, SYLVESTER M, FARHAD SHAKERI, BUNES A, DEL POZO JC, GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA, NEUHOFF C, TESFAYE D, SCHELLANDER K, SANTIAGO-MORENO J. Differential proteome between ejaculate and epididymal sperm represents a key factor for sperm freezability in wild small ruminants. Cryobiology. 2021 Apr;99:64-77. doi: 10.1016/j.cryobiol.2021.01.012

  30. MOROS C, IZQUIERDO-RICO MJ, LI Y, GONZÁLEZ-BRUSI L, ROMAR R, FUNAHASHI H. Relative transcript abundance in porcine cumulus cells collected from different sized follicles. Reprod Domes Anim 2021. 56 (2):374-380. doi: 10.1111/rda.13881

  31. NAVARRO-SERNA S, HACHEM A, CANHA-GOUVEIA A, HANBASHI A, GARRAPPA G, LOPES JS, PARÍS-OLLER E, SARRÍAS-GILL, FLORES-FLORES C, BASSETT A, SÁNCHEZ R, BERMEJO-ÁLVAREZ P, MATÁS C, ROMAR R, PARRINGTON J, GADEA J. Generation of non-mosaic, two-pore channel 2 (TPC2) biallelic knockout pigs in one generation by CRISPR/Cas9 microinjection before oocyte insemination. CRISPR J (2021) 4 (1):132-146. doi: 10.1089/crispr.2020.0078

  32. PARIS-OLLER E, NAVARRO-SERNA S, SORIANO-ÚBEDA C, LOPES JS, MATAS C, RUIZ S, LATORRE R, LOPEZ-ALBORS O, ROMAR R, CANOVAS S, COY P. Reproductive fluids, used for the in vitro production of pig embryos, result in healthy offspring and avoid aberrant placental expression of PEG3 and LUM. J Anim Sci Biotechnol 12 (1):32. doi: 10.1186/s40104-020-00544-0

  33. RODRÍGUEZ-TOBÓN E, FIERRO R, GONZÁLEZ-MÁRQUEZ H, GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA, ARENAS-RÍOS E. Boar sperm incubation with reduced glutathione (GSH) differentially modulates protein tyrosine phosphorylation patterns in sperm, reorganization of calcium, in vitro fertilization, and embryo development depending on concentrations. Research in Veterinary Science. 2021. 135:386-396. doi: 10.1016/j.rvsc.2020.10.020

  34. ROMERO-AGUIRREGOMEZCORTA J, SORIANO-ÚBEDA C, MATÁS C. Involvement of nitric oxide during in vitro oocyte maturation, sperm capacitation and in vitro fertilization in pig. Res Vet Sci. 2021;134:150-158. doi: 10.1016/j.rvsc.2020.12.011

  35. ROMERO-AGUIRREGOMEZCORTA J, LAGUNA-BARRAZA R, FERNÁNDEZ-GONZÁLEZ R, ŠTIAVNICKÁ M, WARD F, CLOHERTY J, MCAULIFFE D, LARSEN PB, GRABRUCKER AM, GUTIÉRREZ-ADÁN A, NEWPORT D, FAIR S (2021). Sperm selection by rheotaxis improves sperm quality and early embryo development. Reproduction, 161: 343-352. doi: 10.1530/rep-20-0364

  36. SORIANO-UBEDA C, AVILES-LOPEZ K, GARCIA-VAZQUEZ FA, ROMERO-AGUIRREGOMEZCORTA J, MATAS C. Epididymal and ejaculated sperm functionality is regulated differently by periovulatory oviductal fluid (pOF) in pigs. Andrology 9 (1):426-439. doi: 10.1111/andr.12902

  37. STAICU FS, CANHA A, SORIANO-UBEDA C, MARTINEZ-SOTO JC, ADOAMNEI E, CHAVARRO JE, MATAS C. Nitrite and nitrate levels in follicular fluid from human oocyte donors are related to ovarian response and embryo quality. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 2021. 9 (701). doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.647002

  38. VELASCO A, RUIZ S. New Approaches to Assess Fertility in Domestic Animals: Relationship between arterial blood flow to the testicles and seminal quality. Animals. 2021; 11(1):12. doi: 10.3390/ani11010012

  39. VIEIRA LA, DIANA A, SORIANO-UBEDA C, MATAS C. Selection of Boar Sperm by Reproductive Biofluids as Chemoattractants. Animals 2021, 11(1), 53; doi: 10.3390/ani11010053

  40. VIEIRA LA, MATAS C, TORRECILLAS A, SAEZ F, GADEA J. Seminal plasma components from fertile stallions involved in the epididymal sperm freezability. Andrology (2021) 9: 728-743. doi: 10.1111/andr.12944

  41. ALCÂNTARA-NETO AS, FERNANDEZ-RUFETE M, CORBIN E, TSIKIS G, UZBEKOV R, GARANINA AS, COY P, ALMIÑANA C, MERMILLOD P. Oviduct fluid extracellular vesicles regulate polyspermy during porcine in vitro fertilization. Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 2020;32(4):409-418. doi: 10.1071/RD19058.

  42. FIGUERAS-GOURGUES S, GARCIA-MORANTE B, ALEGRE-SABATÉ A, LÓPEZ-GRASA E, HERNÁNDEZ-CARAVACA I, GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA, RODRÍGUEZ-VEGA V, FANO E. Assessment of the use of nebulization technology for gilt exposure to Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae as an acclimation strategy. Journal of Swine Health and Production. 2020;28(6):294-301. PDF link

  43. GARCÍA-GALÁN A, GÓMEZ-MARTÍN A, BATALLER E, GOMIS J, SÁNCHEZ A, GADEA J, VIEIRA LA, GARCÍA-ROSELLÓ E, DE LA FE C. The addition of Lactobacillus spp., enrofloxacin or doxycycline negatively affects the viability of Mycoplasma bovis in bovine diluted semen. Animals. 10, 837. 2020. doi: 10.3390/ani10050837

  44. GARCIA-MARTINEZ S, GADEA J, COY P, ROMAR R. Addition of exogenous proteins detected in oviductal secretions to in vitro culture medium does not improve the efficiency of in vitro fertilization in pigs. Theriogenology. 157: 490-497. 2020. doi: theriogenology.2020.08.017

  45. GARCÍA-MARTÍNEZ S, LATORRE R, SÁNCHEZ-HURTADO MA, SÁNCHEZ-MARGALLO FM, BERNABÒ N, ROMAR R, LÓPEZ-ALBORS O, COY P. Mimicking the temperature gradient between the sow’s oviduct and uterus improves in vitro embryo culture output. Molecular Human Reproduction (2020) 26 (10) 748-759. doi: 10.1093/molehr/gaaa053

  46. HAMZE, J.G., JIMENEZ-MOVILLA, M., ROMAR, R. 2020. Sperm-Binding Assay Using an In Vitro 3D Model of the Mammalian Cumulus-Oocyte Complex. Current protocols in toxicology 86, e100. doi: 10.1002/cptx.100

  47. HAMZE JG, JIMENEZ-MOVILLA M, ROMAR R. Sperm binding to ZP2-coated beads improve efficiency of porcine in vitro fertilization. Reproduction. 2020;160(5):725-735. doi: 10.1530/rep-20-0123

  48. HAMZE JG, SÁNCHEZ JM, O'CALLAGHAN E, MCDONALD M, BERMEJO-ÁLVAREZ P, ROMAR R, LONERGAN P, JIMÉNEZ-MOVILLA M. JUNO protein coated beads: A potential tool to predict bovine sperm fertilizing ability. Theriogenology. 2020; 155:168-175. doi: theriogenology.2020.05.025

  49. IVANOVA E, CANOVAS S, GARCIA-MARTINEZ S, ROMAR R, LOPES JS, RIZOS D, SANCHEZ-CALABUIG MJ, KRUEGER F, ANDREWS S, PEREZ-SANZ F, KELSEY G, COY P. DNA methylation changes during preimplantation development reveal inter-species differences and reprogramming events at imprinted genes. Clinical Epigenetics. 2020;12(1):64. doi: 10.1186/s13148-020-00857-x

  50. KÜÇÜK N, LOPES JS, SORIANO-UBEDA C, HIDALGO CO, ROMAR R, GADEA J. Effect of oviductal fluid on bull sperm functionality and fertility under non-capacitating and capacitating incubation conditions. Theriogenology. 2020, 158: 406-415. doi: theriogenology.2020.09.035

  51. LOPES JS, ALCÁZAR-TRIVIÑO E, SORIANO-ÚBEDA C, HAMDI M, CÁNOVAS S, RIZOS D, COY P. Reproductive Outcomes and Endocrine Profile in Artificially Inseminated versus Embryo Transferred Cows. Animals (Basel). 2020 Aug 6;10(8):E1359. doi: 10.3390/ani10081359

  52. LUONGO C, GARRAPPA G, LLAMAS-LÓPEZ PJ, RODRÍGUEZ-TOBÓN E, LÓPEZ-ÚBEDA R, ABRIL-SÁNCHEZ S, GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA. Effect of boar seminal dose type (cervical compared with post-cervical insemination) on cooling curve, sperm quality and storage time. Animal Reproduction Science. 2020 Jan;212:106236. doi: anireprosci.2019.106236

  53. LUONGO C, GONZALEZ-BRUSI L, COTS-RODRIGUEZ P, IZQUIERDO-RICO MJ, AVILES M, GARCIA-VAZQUEZ FA. Sperm Proteome after Interaction with Reproductive Fluids in Porcine: From the Ejaculation to the Fertilization Site. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21, 6060. doi: 10.3390/ijms21176060

  54. NAVARRO-SERNA S, VILARINO N, PARK I, GADEA J, ROSS PJ. Livestock gene editing by one-step embryo manipulation. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 89, 103025. doi: 10.1016/j.jevs.2020.103025

  55. RUIZ-DÍAZ S, LUONGO C, FUENTES-ALBERO MC, ABRIL-SÁNCHEZ S, SÁNCHEZ-CALABUIG MJ, BARROS-GARCÍA C, DE LA FE C, GARCÍA-GALÁN A, ROS-SANTAELLA JL, PINTUS E, GARCIA-PÁRRAGA D, GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA. Effect of temperature and cell concentration on dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) spermatozoa quality evaluated at different days of refrigeration. Animal Reproduction Science. 2020, 212: 106248. doi: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2019.106248

  56. ZAPATA-CARMONA H, SORIANO-ÚBEDA C, PARÍS-OLLER E, MATÁS C. Periovulatory oviductal fluid decreases sperm PKA activity, tyrosine phosphorylation and in vitro fertilization in pig. Andrology. 2020;8(3):756-768. doi: 10.1111/andr.12751

  57. CANHA-GOUVEIA A, PARADELA A, RAMOS-FERNÁNDEZ A, PRIETO-SÁNCHEZ MT, SÁNCHEZ-FERRER ML, CORRALES F, COY P. Which Low-Abundance Proteins are Present in the Human Milieu of Gamete/Embryo Maternal Interaction? Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20, 5305. doi :10.3390/ijms20215305

  58. DORADO B, PLØEN GG, BARETTINO A, MACÍAS A, GONZALO P, ANDRÉS-MANZANO MJ, GONZÁLEZ-GÓMEZ C, GALÁN-ARRIOLA C, ALFONSO JM, LOBO M, LÓPEZ-MARTÍN GJ, MOLINA A, SÁNCHEZ R, GADEA J, SÁNCHEZ-GONZÁLEZ J, LIU Y, CALLESEN H, FILGUEIRAS-RAMA D, IBÁÑEZ B, SØRENSEN CB, ANDRÉS V. Generation and characterization of a novel knockin minipig model of Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome. Cell Discov. eCollection 2019 Mar 19;5:16. doi: 10.1038/s41421-019-0084-z

  59. FIGUERAS-GOURGUES S, LORENZO FRAILE L, SEGALÉS J, HERNÁNDEZ-CARAVACA I, LÓPEZ-UBEDA R, GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA, GÓMEZ-DURAN O, GROSSE-LIESNER B. Effect of Porcine circovirus 2 (PCV-2) maternally derived antibodies on performance and PCV-2 viremia in vaccinated piglets under field conditions. Porcine Health Management. 2019;5(1):21. doi: 10.1186/s40813-019-0128-7

  60. GADEA J, TOLEDANO-DÍAZ A, NAVARRO-SERNA S, JIMÉNEZ-MOVILLA M, SORIANO P, MATÁS C, SANTIAGO-MORENO J. Assessment and preservation of liquid and frozen-thawed Black Crested Mangabey (Lophocebus aterrimus) spermatozoa obtained by transrectal ultrasonic-guided massage of the accessory sex glands (TUMASG) and electroejaculation. Animal Reproduction Science. 2019:210: 106176. doi: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2019.106176

  61. GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA, LLAMAS-LÓPEZ PJ, JACOME MA, SARRIAS-GIL L, LÓPEZ ALBORS O. Morphological changes in the porcine cervix: A comparison between nulliparous and multiparous sows with regard to post-cervical artificial insemination. Therigenology. 2019. 127:120-129. doi: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2019.01.004

  62. GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA, MELLAGI APG, ULGUIM RR, HERNÁNDEZ-CARAVACA I, LLAMAS-LÓPEZ PJ, BORTOLOZZO FP. Post-cervical artificial insemination in porcine: the technique that came to stay. Theriogenology 2019. 129: 37-45. doi: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2019.02.004

  63. GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA, SORIANO-ÚBEDA C, LAGUNA-BARRAZA R, IZQUIERDO-RICO MJ, NAVARRETE FA, VISCONTI PE, GUTIÉRREZ-ADÁN A, COY P. Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) of paternal origin is necessary for the success of in vitro but not of in vivo fertilisation in the mouse. Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 2019.31(3) 433-442 doi: 10.1071/RD18175

  64. HAMZE JG, CANHA A, ALGARRA B, GÓMEZ-TORRES MJ, OLIVARES MC, ROMAR R, JIMÉNEZ-MOVILLA M. Mammalian spermatozoa and cumulus cells bind to a 3D model generated by recombinant zona pellucida protein-coated beads. Sci Rep. 2019 Nov 29;9(1):17989. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-54501-7

  65. LLAMAS-LOPEZ PJ, LOPEZ-UBEDA R, LOPEZ G, ANTINOJA E, GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA. A new device for deep cervical artificial insemination in gilts reduces the number of sperm per dose without impairing final reproductive performance. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology. 2019 10:11. doi: 10.1186/s40104-019-0313-1

  66. LOPES JS, CANHA-GOUVEIA A, PARÍS-OLLER E, COY P. Supplementation of bovine follicular fluid during in vitro maturation increases oocyte cumulus expansion, blastocyst developmental kinetics, and blastocyst cell number. Theriogenology. 2019. 126:222-229. doi: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2018.12.010

  67. LUONGO C, ABRIL-SANCHEZ S, HERNANDEZ JG, GARCIA-VAZQUEZ FA. Seminal plasma mitigates the adverse effect of uterine fluid on boar spermatozoa. Theriogenology. 2019. 136:28-35. doi: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2019.06.018

  68. MARTÍNEZ-FRESNEDA L, CASTAÑO C, BOVEDA P, TESFAYE D, SCHELLANDER K, SANTIAGO-MORENO J, GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA. Epididymal and ejaculated sperm differ on their response to the cryopreservation and capacitation processes in mouflon (Ovis musimon). Scientific Reports. 2019;9:15659. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-52057-0

  69. MARTÍNEZ-FRESNEDA L, O’BRIEN E, LOPEZ-SEBASTIAN A, VELÁZQUEZ R, TOLEDANO-DÍAZ A, TESFAYE D, SCHELLANDER K, GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA, SANTIAGO-MORENO J. In vitro supplementation of testosterone and prolactin affects spermatozoa freezability in small ruminants. Domestic Animal Endocrinology. 2019:106372. doi: 10.1016/j.domaniend.2019.06.004

  70. MARTÍNEZ-FRESNEDA L, O’BRIEN E, VELÁZQUEZ R, TOLEDANO-DÍAZ A, MARTÍNEZ-CÁCERES C, TESFAYE D, SCHELLANDER K, GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA, JULIAN SANTIAGO-MORENO J. Seasonal variations of sperm freezability associated with testicular germinal epithelium changes in domestic (Ovis aries) and wild (Ovis musimon) rams. Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 2019. 31(10) 1545-1557 doi: 10.1071/RD18511

  71. NAVARRETE FA, AGUILA L, DAVID MARTIN-HIDALGO D, TOURZANI DA, LUQUE GM, ARDESTANI G, GARCIA-VAZQUEZ FA, LEVIN LR, BUCK J, DARSZON A, BUFFONE MG, MAGER J, FISSORE RA, SALICIONI AM, GERVASI MG, AND VISCONTI PE. Transient sperm starvation improves the outcome of assisted reproductive technologies. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 2019;7. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2019.00262

  72. ROMAR R, CANOVAS S, MATAS C, GADEA J, COY P. Pig in vitro fertilization: where are we and where do we go?. Theriogenology. 2019;137:113-121. doi: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2019.05.045

  73. SORIANO-ÚBEDA C, ROMERO-AGUIRREGOMEZCORTA J, MATÁS C, VISCONTI PE, GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA. Manipulation of bicarbonate concentration in sperm capacitation media improves in vitro fertilisation output in porcine species. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology. 2019. 10:19. doi: 10.1186/s40104-019-0324-y

  74. STAICU DF, LOPEZ-UBEDA R, ROMERO-AGUIRREGOMEZCORTA J, MARTINEZ-SOTO JC, MATÁS C, Regulation of boar sperm functionality by the Nitric Oxide Synthase/Nitric Oxide system. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. 36(8):1721-1736. 2019. doi: 10.1007/s10815-019-01526-6. 

  75. ZHOU LT, ROMAR R, PAVONE ME, SORIANO-ÚBEDA C, ZHANG J, SLAWSON C, DUNCAN FE. Disruption of O-GlcNAc homeostasis during mammalian oocyte meiotic maturation impacts fertilization. Molecular Reproduction and Development 2019. 86:543–557.

  76. GARCÍA-MARTÍNEZ S, SÁNCHEZ-HURTADO MA, GUTIÉRREZ H, SÁNCHEZ-MARGALLO FM, ROMAR R, LATORRE R, COY P, LÓPEZ-ALBORS O. Mimicking physiological O2 tension in the female reproductive tract improves Assisted Reproduction outcomes in pig. Mol Hum Reprod 24: 260-270. 2018. doi: 10.1093/molehr/gay008 

  77. MARTÍNEZ-FRESNEDA L, ESTESO MC, TOLEDANO-DÍAZ A, CASTAÑO C, VELÁZQUEZ R, LÓPEZ-SEBASTIÁN A, PRIETO P, GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA, SANTIAGO-MORENO J. The percentage of egg yolk in the freezing media affects mouflon (Ovis musimon) epididymal sperm cryosurvival. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 16 (3), e04SC04, 5 pages (2018). DOI: 10.5424/sjar/2018163-13268

  78. MARTINEZ-SOTO JC, LANDERAS J, MOLLA M, MONDEJAR I, NICOLAS M, FERNANDEZ-OLMEDILLA L TRABALON M, COY P, GADEA J. Total urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) levels in seminal plasma are associated with positive Assisted Reproductive Technology outcomes. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. 2018. 35: 1091-1101. DOI: 10.1007/s10815-018-1164-y.

  79. PEREZ-CEREZALES S, RAMOS-IBEAS P, AVILES M, COY P, RIZOS D, GUTIERREZ-ADAN A. The oviduct: from sperm selection to the epigenetic landscape of the embryo. Biology of Reproduction, Volume 98, Issue 3, 1 March 2018, Pages 262–276,

  80. ACUÑA OS, AVILÉS M, GUILLÉN-MARTÍNEZ A, LÓPEZ-ÚBEDA R, SORIANO-ÚBEDA C, COY P, IZQUIERDO-RICO MJ. Differential oviductal gene expression in porcine estrous cycle. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 2017. 29(12) 2387-2399 

  81. CANOVAS S, CAMPOS R, AGUILAR E, CIBELLI JB. Progress towards human primordial germ cell specification in vitro. Mol Hum Reprod. 2017; 23:4-15. DOI: 10.1093/molehr/gaw069

  82. CANOVAS S, IVANOVA E, ROMAR R, GARCÍA-MARTÍNEZ S, SORIANO-ÚBEDA C, GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA, SAADEH H, ANDREWS S, KELSEY G, COY P. DNA methylation and gene expression changes derived from assisted reproductive technologies can be decreased by reproductive fluids. eLife. 2017;6:e23670. DOI:

  83. CÁNOVAS S, ROSS PJ, KELSEY G, COY P. DNA methylation dynamics in preimplantation embryos: the epigenetic impact of Assisted Reproductive technologies. Bioessays. 2017 Nov;39(11). doi: 10.1002/bies.201700106

  84. FONSECA BALVÍS N, GARCIA-MARTINEZ S, PÉREZ-CEREZALES S, IVANOVA E, GOMEZ-REDONDO I, HAMDI M, RIZOS D, COY P, KELSEY G GUTIERREZ-ADAN A. Cultured bovine embryo biopsy conserves methylation marks from original embryo. Biology of Reproduction 2017. 97 189-196. Doi: 10.1093/biolre/iox077

  85. GONZÁLEZ-ABREU D, GARCÍA-MARTÍNEZ S, FERNÁNDEZ-ESPÍN V, ROMAR R, GADEA J. Incubation of boar spermatozoa in viscous media by addition of methylcellulose improves sperm quality and penetration rates during in vitro fertilization. Theriogenology. 2017. 92: 14-23. DOI: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2017.01.016

  86. HERNANDEZ-CARAVACA I, LLAMAS-LOPEZ PJ, IZQUIERDO-RICO MJ, SORIANO-UBEDA C, MATAS C, GARDON JC, GARCIA-VAZQUEZ FA. Optimization of post-cervical artificial insemination in gilts: Effect of catheter type and cervical relaxation procedures. Theriogenology. 2017. 90:147-52. DOI: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2016.11.027

  87. LOPERA-VASQUEZ R, HAMDI M, MAILLO M, LLOREDA M, COY P, GUTIERREZ-ADAN A, BERMEJO-ALVAREZ P, RIZOS D. Effect of bovine oviductal fluid on development and quality of bovine embryos produced in vitro. Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 29(3) 621-629. 2017. DOI: 10.1071/RD15238. 

  88. LOPEZ-UBEDA R, GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA, GADEA J, MATAS C. Sperm selection by oviductal epithelial cells is a phenomenon based on functional characteristics. Asian Journal of Andrology. 2017. 19(4): 396-403. DOI: 10.4103/1008-682X.173936. 

  89. SÁNCHEZ-CALABUIG MJ, GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA, LAGUNA-BARRAZA R, BARROS-GARCÍA C, GARCÍA-PÁRRAGA D, RIZOS D, GUTIERREZ-ADÁN A, PÉREZ-GUTIERREZ J. Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) Spermatozoa: Collection, Cryopreservation, and Heterologous In Vitro Fertilization. J. Vis. Exp. (126), e55237, doi:10.3791/55237 (2017).

  90. SORIANO-ÚBEDA C, GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA, ROMERO-AGUIRREGOMEZCORTA J, MATÁS C. Improving porcine in vitro fertilization output by simulating the oviductal environment. Scientific Reports 7, 43616 (2017). doi:10.1038/srep43616.

  91. ALGARRA B, HAN L, SORIANO-ÚBEDA C, AVILÉS M, COY P, JOVINE L, JIMÉNEZ-MOVILLA M. The C-terminal region of OVGP1 remodels the zona pellucida and modifies fertility parameters. Scientific Reports. 2016. 6: 32556. DOI: 10.1038/srep32556

  92. CANOVAS S, ROSS PJ. Epigenetics in preimplantation mammalian development. Theriogenology. 2016 Jul 1;86(1):69-79. DOI: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2016.04.020.

  93. GARCIA-VAZQUEZ FA, GADEA J, MATAS C, HOLT WV. Importance of sperm morphology during their transport and fertilization in mammals. Asian Journal of Andrology. 2016. 18(6): 844-850. DOI: 10.4103/1008-682X.

  94. HUNTER RHF, GADEA J. Outstanding questions concerning sperm-epithelial binding in the mammalian oviduct. Zygote 2016; 24: 389-95. DOI: 10.1017/S0967199415000301

  95. LÓPEZ-ÚBEDA R, MUÑOZ M, VIEIRA L, HUNTER RHF, COY P, CANOVAS S. The oviductal transcriptome is influenced by a local ovarian effect in the sow. Journal of Ovarian Research 2016;9(1):44.2016. DOI 10.1186/s13048-016-0252-9.

  96. MARTÍNEZ-SOTO JC, DOMINGO JC, CORDOBILLA B, NICOLÁS M, FERNÁNDEZ L, ALBERO P, GADEA J, LANDERAS J. Dietary supplementation with docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) improves seminal antioxidant status and decreases sperm DNA fragmentation. Syst Biol Reprod Med. 2016 Dec;62(6):387-395.

  97. OBERLENDER G, RUIZ S, DE ONDIZ A, VIEIRA L, PEREIRA M, LUANY S, ZANGERÓNIMO M, MURGAS L. In vitro fertilization of porcine oocytes is affected by spermatic coincubation time. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira (Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research). 36: suppl.1: 58-64, 2016.

  98. ROMAR R, FUNAHASHI H, COY P. In vitro fertilisation in pigs: new molecules and protocols to consider in the forthcoming years. Review. Theriogenology 2016 Jan 1;85(1):125-34. doi: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2015.07.017.

  99. ROSS PJ, CANOVAS S. Mechanisms of epigenetic remodelling during preimplantation development. Reprod. Fertil. Dev. 2016; 28: 25-40. doi: 10.1071/RD15365.

  100. TŮMOVÁ L, CHMELÍKOVÁ E, ŽALMANOVÁ T, KUČEROVÁ-CHRPOVÁ V, ROMAR R, DVOŘÁKOVÁ M, HOŠKOVÁ K, PETR J. Calcineurin role in porcine oocyte activation. Animal. 10(12):1998-2007.2016. DOI: 10.1017/S1751731116000884. 

  101. ARREDOUANI A, RUAS M, COLLINS SC, PARKESH R, CLOUGH F, PILLINGER T, COLTART G, RIETDORF K, ROYLE A, JOHNSON P, BRAUN M, ZHANG Q, SONES W, SHIMOMURA K, MORGAN AJ, LEWIS AM, CHUANG KT, TUNN R, GADEA J, TEBOUL L, HEISTER PM, TYNAN PW, BELLOMO EA, RUTTER GA, RORSMAN P, CHURCHILL GC, PARRINGTON J, GALIONE A. NAADP and endolysosomal two-pore channels modulate membrane excitability and stimulus-secretion coupling in mouse pancreatic β cells. J Biol Chem 2015; 290:21376-21392.

  102. COY P, YANAGIMACHI R. Common and species-specific roles of oviductal proteins in mammalian fertilization and embryo development. BioScience 2015, 65 (10): 973-984. doi: 10.1093/biosci/biv119

  103. GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA, HERNÁNDEZ-CARAVACA I, MATÁS C, SORIANO-ÚBEDA C, ABRIL-SÁNCHEZ S, IZQUIERDO-RICO MJ. Morphological study of boar sperm during their passage through the female genital tract. J Reprod Dev. 2015 Oct 21;61(5):407-13. doi: 10.1262/jrd.2014-170

  104. GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA, HERNÁNDEZ-CARAVACA I, YÁNEZ-QUINTANA W, MATÁS C, SORIANO-ÚBEDA C, IZQUIERDO-RICO MJ. Morphometry of boar sperm head and flagellum in semen backflow after insemination. Theriogenology. 2015 Sep 1;84(4):566-74. doi: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2015.04.011. 

  105. GARDON JC, ESCRIBANO E, ASTIZ S, RUIZ S. Synchronization protocols in Spanish Merino sheep: reduction in time to estrus by the addition of eCG to a progesterone-based estrus synchronization protocol. Annals of Animal Science. 2015. 15 (2): 409-418. DOI: 10.1515/aoas-2015-0003

  106. GÓMEZ-MARTÍN A, UC N, VIEIRA LA, GADEA J, CÁDENAS J, SÁNCHEZ A, DE LA FE C. Survival capacity of Mycoplasma agalactiae and Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. capri in the diluted semen of goat bucks and their effects on sperm quality. Theriogenology. 2015. 83. 919-919. doi: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2014.11.029

  107. HERNÁNDEZ-CARAVACA I, SORIANO-ÚBEDA C, MATÁS C, IZQUIERDO-RICO MJ, GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA. Boar sperm with defective motility are discriminated in the backflow moments after insemination. Theriogenology. 2015. 83: 655-661. doi: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2014.10.032.

  108. LOPEZ-UBEDA R, GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA, ROMAR R, GADEA J, MUÑOZ M, HUNTER RHF, COY P. Oviductal Transcriptome Is Modified after Insemination during Spontaneous Ovulation in the Sow. PLoS One. 2015 Jun 22;10(6):e0130128. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0130128. eCollection 2015.

  109. NAVARRETE FA, GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA, ALVAU A, ESCOFFIER J, KRAPF D, SANCHEZ C, SALICIONI AM, DARSZON A, VISCONTI PE. Biphasic Role of Calcium in Mouse Sperm Capacitation Signaling Pathways. Journal of Cell Physiology. 2015. DOI: 10.1002/jcp.24873

  110. ROMERO-AGUIRREGOMEZCORTA J, MATÁS C, COY P. α-L-fucosidase enhances capacitation-associated events in porcine spermatozoa. The Veterinary Journal. 2015. 203:109-114. doi: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2014.11.006.

  111. STETSON I, AVILÉS M, MOROS C, GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA, GIMENO L, ALIAGA C, BALLESTA J, IZQUIERDO-RICO MJ. Four glycoproteins are expressed in the cat zona pellucida. Theriogenology 2015. doi:10.1016/j.theriogenology.2014.12.019

  112. BALLESTER L, ROMERO-AGUIRREGOMEZCORTA J, SORIANO-ÚBEDA C, MATÁS C, ROMAR R, COY P. Timing of oviductal fluid collection, steroid concentrations and sperm preservation method affect in vitro fertilization efficiency. Fertil Steril. 2014. 102(6): 1762-1768.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2014.08.009.

  113. HUNTER RHF, GADEA J. Cross-talk between free and bound spermatozoa to modulate initial sperm: egg ratios at the site of fertilisation in the mammalian oviduct. Theriogenology 2014, 82:367-372. DOI:10.1016/j.theriogenology.2014.04.015

  114. ROMERO-AGUIRREGOMEZCORTA J, SANTA AP, GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA, COY P, MATÁS C. Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibition during porcine in vitro maturation modifies oocyte protein S-nitrosylation and in vitro fertilization. PLoS ONE 2014. 9(12): e115044. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0115044 

  115. SAAVEDRA MD, MONDÉJAR I, COY P, BETANCOURT M, GONZÁLEZ-MÁRQUEZ H, JIMÉNEZ-MOVILLA M, AVILÉS M, ROMAR R. Calreticulin from suboolemmal vesicles affects membrane regulation of polyspermy. Reproduction 2014, 147 (3): 369–378. doi:10.1530/REP-13-0454. ISSN 1470-1626. 

  116. CEBRIÁN-SERRANO A, SALVADOR I, GARCIA-ROSELLÓ E, PERICUESTA E, PÉREZ-CEREZALES S, GUTIERREZ-ADÁN A, COY P, SILVESTRE MA. Influence of oviductal fluid on in vitro fertilisation, development and gene expression of in vitro produced bovine blastocysts. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 2013 Apr;48(2):331-338. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0531.2012.02157.x.

  117. CEBRIAN-SERRANO A, SILVESTRE MA, RUIZ S, RATH D. Effect of sex-sorted sperm on development and quality of in vitro-produced bovine embryos derived from ovum pick up oocytes. Animal Science Papers and Reports 2013 31: 111-122. 

  118. GADEA J, GUMBAO D, GÓMEZ-GIMENEZ B, GARDÓN JC. Supplementation of the dilution medium with reduced glutathione improves function of frozen-thawed goat spermatozoa. Reproductive Biology 2013. 13:24-33 DOI: 10.1016/j.repbio.2013.01.174

  119. GRULLÓN LA, GADEA J, MONDÉJAR I, MATÁS C, ROMAR R, COY P. How is plasminogen/plasmin system contributing to regulate sperm entry into the oocyte? Reprod Sci. 2013 Sep;20(9):1075-82. doi: 10.1177/1933719112473657.

  120. KOHATA C, IZQUIERDO-RICO MJ, ROMAR R, FUNAHASHI H. Development competence and relative transcript abundance of oocytes derived from small and medium follicles of prepubertal gilts. Theriogenology 2013;80: 970-978.

  121. LUÑO V, LÓPEZ-ÚBEDA R, GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA, GIL L, MATÁS C. Boar sperm tyrosine phosphorylation patterns in the presence of oviductal epithelial cells: in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo models. Reproduction. 2013 Aug 12;146(4):315-24. doi: 10.1530/REP-13-0159.

  122. MARTINEZ-SOTO JC, LANDERAS J, GADEA J. Sperm and seminal plasma fatty acids as predictors of cryopreservation success. Andrology 2013 May;1(3):365-75. doi: 10.1111/j.2047-2927.2012.00040.x. 

  123. MONDÉJAR I, AVILÉS M, COY P. The human is an exception to the evolutionarily-conserved phenomenon of pre-fertilization zona pellucida resistance to proteolysis induced by oviductal fluid. Human Reproduction 2013 Mar;28(3):718-28. doi: 10.1093/humrep/des423. 

  124. MONDÉJAR I, MARTÍNEZ-MARTINEZ I, AVILÉS M, COY P. Identification of Potential Oviductal Factors Responsible of the Zona Pellucida Hardening and Monospermy During Fertilization in Mammals. Biol Reprod. 2013 Sep 27;89(3):67.doi: 10.1095/biolreprod.113.111385

  125. OBERLENDER G, SOLIS MURGAS LD, ZANGERONIMO MG, CRISTINA DA SILVA A, DE ALCANTARA MENEZES T, PONTELO TP, VIEIRA LA. Role of insulin-like growth factor-I and follicular fluid from ovarian follicles with different diameters on porcine oocyte maturation and fertilization in vitro. Theriogenology. 2013 Sep 1;80(4):319-27. doi: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2013.04.018. Epub 2013 May 16.

  126. RUIZ S, ROMERO-AGUIRREGOMEZCORTA J, ASTIZ S, PEINADO B, ALMELA L, POTO A. Application of reproductive biotechnology for the recovery of endangered breeds: Birth of the first calf of Murciana-Levantina bovine breed derived by OPU, in vitro production and embryo vitrification. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 2013 Dec;48(6):e81-4. doi: 10.1111/rda.12179.

  127. RUIZ S, ZARAZA J, DE ONDIZ A, ROMERO-AGUIRREGOMEZCORTA J, CAMISÃO J, RODRIGUES R, RATH D. Use of sex-sorted and unsorted frozen/thawed sperm and in vitro fertilization events in bovine oocytes derived from ultrasound guided aspiration. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia. 42(10):721-727, 2013. doi: 10.1590/S1516-35982013001000005 

  128. TUMOVÁ L, ROMAR R, PETR J, SEDMÍKOVÁ M. The effect of protein kinase C activator and nitric oxide donor on oocyte activation and cortical granule exocytosis in porcine eggs. Animal 2013; 7(2):279-286. doi: 10.1017/S1751731112001127

  129. VIEIRA LA, GADEA J, GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA, AVILÉS-LÓPEZ K, MATÁS C. Equine spermatozoa recovered from epididymides stored at 4ºC for up to 96 h can be successfully cryopreserved. Animal Reproduction Science 2013 Jan 30;136(4):280-8. doi: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2012.10.027.

  130. COY P, GARCÍA-VAZQUEZ FA, VISCONTI P, AVILES M. Roles of the oviduct in mammalian fertilization. Reproduction (2012) 144 649–660. DOI: 10.1530/REP-12-0279

  131. COY P, JIMÉNEZ-MOVILLA M, GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA, MONDÉJAR I, GRULLÓN L, ROMAR R. Oocytes use plasminogen-plasmin system to remove supernumerary spermatozoa. Human Reproduction 2012 Jul;27(7):1985-93.

  132. HERNÁNDEZ-CARAVACA I, IZQUIERDO-RICO MJ, MATÁS C, CARVAJAL JA, VIEIRA L, ABRIL D, SORIANO-ÚBEDA C, GARCÍA–VÁZQUEZ FA. Reproductive performance and backflow study in cervical and post-cervical artificial insemination in sows. Anim Reprod Sci. 2012 Dec;136(1-2):14-22.

  133. MONDÉJAR I, ACUÑA S, IZQUIERDO RICO MJ, COY P, AVILÉS M. The oviduct: functional genomic and proteomic approach. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 2012 Jun;47 Suppl 3:22-9.).

  134. MONDÉJAR I, GRULLÓN LA, GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA, ROMAR R, COY P. Fertilization outcome could be regulated by binding of oviductal plasminogen to oocytes and by releasing of plasminogen-activators during interplay between gametes. Fertility and Sterility. 2012 Feb;97(2):453-461.

  135. ROMAR R, COY P, RATH D. Maturation conditions and boar affect timing of cortical reaction in porcine oocytes. Theriogenology. 2012 Sep 15;78(5):1126-1139.e1. Epub 2012 Jul 3.

  136. GADEA J, MOLLA M, SELLES E, MARCO MA, GARCIA-VAZQUEZ FA, GARDON JC. Reduced glutathione content in human sperm is decreased after cryopreservation. Effect of the addition of reduced glutathione to the freezing and thawing extenders. Cryobiology. 2011. 62:40-46.

  137. GARCÍA-VAZQUEZ FA, GUMBAO D, GADEA J. Inmunolocalización del ADN exógeno en espermatozoides porcinos sometidos a diferentes tratamientos. Revista científica de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias de la Universidad del Zulia. 2011. 21:50-56.

  138. GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA, HERNÁNDEZ-CARAVACA I, MARTÍN M, GÓMEZ E, RODRÍGUEZ A, SÁNCHEZ-SÁNCHEZ R, GADEA J. Two cases of reciprocal chromosomal translocation (2q-; 8q+) (7q-; 4p+) in piglets produced by ICSI. Reproduction in Domestic Animals. 2011 Aug;46(4):728-30.

  139. GARCÍA-VAZQUEZ FA, RUIZ S, GRULLÓN LA, DE ONDIZ A, GUTIERREZ-ADAN A, GADEA J. Factors affecting the sperm mediated gene transfer in porcine. Research in Veterinary Science 91 (2011) 446–453

  140. HUNTER RHF, COY P, GADEA J, RATH D. Consideration of viscosity in the preliminaries to mammalian fertilisation. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. 2011 Mar;28(3):191-7

  141. KASHIR J, HEYNEN A, JONES C, DURRANS C, CRAIG J, GADEA J, TURNER K, PARRINGTON J, COWARD K. Effects of cryopreservation and density gradient washing on phospholipase C zeta (PLC ) concentrations in human sperm. Reproductive Biomedicine online. 2011 Aug;23(2):263-7.

  142. MATÁS C, VIEIRA L, GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA, AVILÉS-LÓPEZ K, LOPEZ-UBEDA R, CARVAJAL JA, GADEA J. Effects of centrifugation through three different discontinuous Percoll gradients on boar sperm function. Anim Reprod Sci. 2011. 127(1-2):62-72.

  143. MARTINEZ-SOTO JC, GARCÍA-VAZQUEZ FA, GUMBAO D, LANDERAS JL, GADEA J. Assessment of two thawing process of cryopreserved human sperm in pellets. Cryobiology. 2011. 63:131-136.

  144. PARRINGTON J, COWARD K, GADEA J. Sperm and Testis Mediated DNA Transfer as a Means of Gene Therapy. Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine 2011 Feb.;57(1-2):35-42.

  145. ROMAR R, DE SANTIS T, PAPILLIER P, PERREAU C, THELIE A, DELL’AQUILA ME, MERMILLOD P, DALBIES-TRAN R. Expression of Maternal Transcripts During Bovine Oocyte In Vitro Maturation is Affected by Donor Age. Reprod Domest Anim. 46, e23–e30 (2011);

  146. AVILES M, GUTIERREZ-ADAN A, COY P. Oviductal secretions: Will they be key factors for the future ARTs?. Molecular Human Reproduction. 2010 16 (12): 896-906.

  147. CANOVAS S, GUTIERREZ-ADAN A, GADEA J. Effect of exogenous DNA on bovine sperm functionality using Sperm mediated gene transfer (SMGT) technique. Molecular Reproduction and Development 2010, 77(8):687-98.

  148. COY P, AVILES M. What controls polyspermy in mammals, the oviduct or the oocyte? Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc. 2010; 85(3):593-605.

  149. COY P, LLOYD R, ROMAR R, SATAKE N, MATAS C, GADEA J, HOLT WV. Effects of porcine pre-ovulatory oviductal fluid on boar sperm function. Theriogenology. 74(4):632-642. 2010. 

  150. GADEA J, GARCÍA-VAZQUEZ FA. Aplicaciones de los cerdos transgénicos en biomedicina y producción animal. ITEA INFORMACION TECNICA ECONOMICA AGRARIA. 2010. 106(1):30-45. 

  151. GADEA J, GARCÍA-VAZQUEZ FA. Métodos de generación de cerdos transgénicos. ITEA INFORMACION TECNICA ECONOMICA AGRARIA. 2010. 106(1):15-29.

  152. GARCÍA-VAZQUEZ FA, RUIZ S, MATAS C, IZQUIERDO-RICO MJ, GRULLÓN LA, DE ONDIZ A, AVILES-LOPEZ K, VIEIRA L, GUTIERREZ-ADAN A, GADEA J. Efficient Production of Transgenic Piglets using ICSI-SMGT in Combination with Recombinase RecA. Reproduction. 2010. 140(2):259-272.

  153. GARCÍA-VAZQUEZ FA, RUIZ S, GRULLÓN LA, DE ONDIZ A, GUTIERREZ-ADAN A, GADEA J. Transgénesis mediada por espermatozoides en la especie porcina: efecto de la presencia de ADN exógeno sobre la calidad seminal y evaluacion de la producción in vivo de embriones transgénicos. Revista científica de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias de la Universidad del Zulia. 2010. 20:81-88.

  154. MARTINEZ-SOTO JC, HOURCADE JD, GUTIÉRREZ-ADÁN A, LANDERAS JL, GADEA J Effect of genistein supplementation of thawing medium on characteristics of frozen human spermatozoa. Asian Journal of Andrology. 2010. 12(3):431-41 PMID: 20173768.

  155. MATAS C, SANSEGUNDO M, RUIZ S, GARCIA-VAZQUEZ FA, GADEA J, ROMAR R, COY P. Sperm treatment affects capacitation parameters and penetration ability of ejaculated and epididymal boar spermatozoa. Theriogenology. 2010 74 : 1327–1340.

  156. CANOVAS S, ROMAR R, GRULLON LA, AVILES M, COY P. Pre-fertilization zona pellucida hardening by different cross-linkers affects in vitro fertilization in pigs and cattle and improves embryo production in pigs. Reproduction. 2009 May;137(5):803-12.

  157. COY P, GADEA J, RATH D, HUNTER RHF. Differing sperm ability to penetrate the oocyte in vivo and in vitro as revealed using colloidal preparations. Theriogenology. 72 (2009) 1171–1179.

  158. GARCÍA-ROSELLÓ E, GARCÍA-MENGUAL E, COY P, ALFONSO J, SILVESTRE MA. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection in Livestock Species: An Update. Reprod. Domest. Anim. 2009. 44, 143–151.

  159. GARCÍA-VAZQUEZ FA, GARCIA-ROSELLÓ E, GUTIERREZ-ADAN A, GADEA J. Effect of the sperm treatment on efficiency of porcine transgenic embryo production by ICSI-SMGT. Theriogenology 2009 72: 506-518.

  160. GARCÍA-VAZQUEZ FA, GUTIERREZ-ADAN A, GADEA J. Evaluación de la unión espermatozoide-ADN exógeno en espermatozoides eyaculados y epididimarios. Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria. 2009. 41 (2): 131-138.

  161. LLOYD RE, ROMAR R, MATAS C, GUTIÉRREZ-ADÁN A, HOLT WV, COY P. Effects of oviductal fluid on the development, quality and gene expression of porcine blastocyst produced in vitro. Reproduction. 2009 Apr;137(4):679-87.

  162. CAMPOS I, GOMEZ E, FERNANDEZ-VALENCIA AL, LANDERAS J, GONZALEZ R, COY P, GADEA J. Effects of male and recipient age on the reproductive outcome of an oocyte donation program. J. Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. 2008 Sep-Oct;25(9-10):445-52. 

  163. CANOVAS S, COY P. Aspectos moleculares de la fecundación: unión y fusión de gametos. Revista de Investigación clínica. 2008. 60 (5):403-413.

  164. CARRASCO LC, COY P, AVILES M, GADEA J, ROMAR R. Glycosidase determination in bovine oviductal fluid at follicular and luteal phases of the estrous cycle. Reproduction Fertility and Development 2008. 20: 808-817.

  165. CARRASCO LC, ROMAR R, AVILES M, GADEA J, COY P.  Determination of glycosidase activity in porcine oviductal fluid at the different phases of the estrous cycle. Reproduction 2008. 136 833–842.

  166. COY P, GRULLÓN LA, CANOVAS S, ROMAR R, AVILES M, MATAS C. Hardening of the zona pellucida of unfertilized eggs can reduce polyspermic fertilization in the pig and cow. Reproduction. 135:19-27. 2008.

  167. COY P, CANOVAS S, ROMAR R, MONDEJAR I, SAAVEDRA MD, GRULLON LA, MATÁS C, AVILES M. Oviduct-specific glycoprotein and heparin modulate sperm-zona pellucida interaction during mammalian fertilization. PNAS 105 (41) 15809–15814. 2008.

  168. GADEA J, GUMBAO D, CÁNOVAS S, GARCÍA-VÁZQUEZ FA, GRULLÓN LA, GARDÓN JC. Supplementation Of The Thawing Media With Reduced Glutathione Improves Function And The In Vitro Fertilizing Ability Of Frozen-Thawed Bull Spermatozoa. Int J Andrology.; 31:40-49. 2008.

  169. RATH D, SCHUBERTH HJ, COY P, TAYLOR U. Sperm interactions from insemination to fertilisation. Reprod Dom Anim. 43 (Suppl. 5), 2–11. 2008. 

  170. CANOVAS S, COY P, GOMEZ E. First steps for the development of a functional assay for human sperm using pig oocytes. J Androl. 28:273-81. 2007.

  171. Matás C, MARTÍNEZ-MIRÓ S, DECUADRO G, Gadea J Evaluation of a cushioned method for centrifugation and processing for freezing boar semen. Theriogenology; 67:1087-1091. 2007.

  172. VELÁSQUEZ JG, CÁNOVAS S, BARAJAS P, MARCOS J, JIMÉNEZ-MOVILLA M, GUTIÉRREZ GALLEGO R, BALLESTA J, AVILÉS M, COY P. Role of sialic acid in bovine sperm-zona pellucida binding. Molecular Reproduction and Development. 2007. 74(5):617-28.

  173. Ducci M, Pacchini S, Niccolini A, Gazzano A, Cerri D, Gadea J, Bobowiec R, Martelli F. Concentrations of carnosine, anserine, L-histidine and 3-methyl histidine in boar spermatozoa and sheep milk by a modified HPLC method. Pol J Vet Sci. 9:159-163. 2006.

  174. García-Roselló E, Coy P, GARCIA-VAZQUEZ F, ruiz s, Matás C. Analysis of different factors influencing the Intracytoplasmic sperm Injection (ICSI) yield in pigs. Theriogenology. 6:1857-1865. 2006

  175. GARCÍA-ROSELLÓ E, MATÁS C, CANOVAS S, MOREIRA PN, GADEA J, COY P. Influence of sperm pretreatment on the efficiency of Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) in pigs. J. Androl 27(3): 268-75. 2006. 

  176. ROMAR R, FUNAHASHI H. In vitro maturation and fertilization of porcine oocytes pretreated 48 h with roscovitine, an inhibitor of p34cdc2/cyclin B kinase. Animal Reproduction Science. 92(3-4): 321-333. 2006 

  177. COY P, ROMAR R, RUIZ S, CANOVAS S, GADEA J, GARCIA-VAZQUEZ F, MATAS C. Birth of piglets after transferring of in vitro produced embryos pre-matured with R-roscovitine. Reproduction 129(6): 747-755. 2005. 

  178. COY P, ROMAR R, PAYTON RR, MCCANN L, SAXTON AM, EDWARDS JL. Maintenance of meiotic arrest in bovine oocytes using the S-enantiomer of roscovitine: Effects on maturation, fertilization and subsequent embryo development in vitro. Reproduction; 129 (1): 19-26. 2005.

  179. GADEA J. Sperm factors related to in vitro and in vivo porcine fertility. Theriogenology 63(2):431-444. 2005.

  180. GADEA J, GARCÍA-VAZQUEZ FA, MATÁS C, GARDÓN JC, CÁNOVAS S, GUMBAO D. Cooling and freezing of boar spermatozoa: Supplementation of the freezing media with reduced glutathione preserves sperm function. J. Androl. 26(3): 396-404. 2005. 

  181. GADEA J, GUMBAO D, MATÁS C, ROMAR R. Supplementation of the thawing media with reduced glutathione improves function and the in vitro fertilizing ability of boar spermatozoa after cryopreservation. J. Androl. 26(6): 749-756. 2005. 

  182. MARCO-JIMÉNEZ F, PUCHADES S, GADEA J, VICENTE JS, VIUDES-DE-CASTRO MP. Freezing of Guirra ram spermatozoa. Effect of semen collection method on semen quality. Theriogenology. 64:1756-1765. 2005.

  183. ROMAR R, COY P, GADEA J, RATH D. Effect of oviductal and cumulus cells on zona pellucida and cortical granules of porcine oocytes fertilized in vitro with epididymal spermatozoa. Anim Reprod Sci 85 (3-4): 287-300. 2005.

  184. FUNAHASHI H, ROMAR R. Reduction of the incidence of polyspermic penetration into porcine oocytes by pretreatment of fresh spermatozoa with adenosine and a transient co-incubation of the gametes to caffeine. Reproduction 128: 789-800. (2004).

  185. GADEA J, SELLÉS E, MARCO MA, COY P, MATÁS C, ROMAR R, RUIZ S. Decrease in glutathione content in boar sperm alter cryopreservation. Effect of the addition of reduced glutathione to the freezing and thawing extenders. Theriogenology 62:690-701. 2004.

  186. GADEA J, SELLÉS E, MARCO MA. The predictive value of porcine seminal parameters on fertility outcome under commercial conditions. Reprod. Domest. Anim. 39, 303–308. 2004.

  187. PAYTON BP, ROMAR R, COY P, SAXTON AM, LAWRENCE JL, EDWARDS JL Susceptibility of Bovine Germinal Vesicle-Stage Oocytes from Antral Follicles to Direct Effects of Heat Stress In Vitro. Biol Reprod 71, 1303–1308. 2004.

  188. MATÁS C, COY P, ROMAR R, MARCO MA, GADEA J, RUIZ S. Effect of sperm preparation method on in vitro fertilisation in the pig. Reproduction 125: 133-141. 2003.

  189. RATH D, RUIZ S, SIEG B. Birth of female piglets after intra-uterine Insemination, employing flow cytometrically sexed boar semen, a case report. Veterinary Record 152: 400-401. 2003.

  190. ROMAR R, COY P, RUIZ S, GADEA J, RATH D. Effect of oviductal and cumulus cells on in vitro fertilization and embryo development of porcine oocytes fertilized with epidymal spermatozoa. Theriogenology 59:975-986. 2003.

  191. SELLÉS E, GADEA J, ROMAR R, MATÁS C, RUIZ S. Analysis of in vitro fertilizing capacity to evaluate the freezing procedures of boar semen and to predict the subsequent fertility. Reprod Dom Anim 38:66-72. 2003.

  192. COY P, GADEA J, ROMAR R, MATÁS C, GARCÍA E. In vitro fertilization medium affects the acrosome reaction, cortical reaction, zona pellucida hardening, and in vitro development in the pig. Reproduction 124: 279-288. 2002.

  193. COY P, ROMAR R. In vitro production of pig embryos. A point of view. Reprod Fert Dev 14:275-286. 2002.

  194. CAMPOS I, COY P, ROMAR R, RUIZ S, GADEA J. Effect of maturational stage, coincubation and cumulus cells on in vitro penetrability of porcine oocytes. Theriogenology 55: 1489-1500. 2001.

  195. ROMAR R, COY P, CAMPOS I, GADEA J, MATÁS C, RUIZ S. Effect of co-culture with porcine oviductal epithelial cells (POEC) on pig in vitro fertilization. Anim Reprod Sci 68: 85-98. 2001. 

  196. GADEA J, MATÁS C. Sperm factors related to in vitro penetration of porcine oocytes. Theriogenology 54: 1343-1357. 2000.

  197. COY P, RUIZ S, ROMAR R, CAMPOS I, GADEA J. Maturation, fertilization and full development of porcine oocytes matured under different systems. Theriogenology 51: 799-812. 1999.

  198. GADEA J, MATÁS C, LUCAS X. Prediction of porcine semen fertility by homologous in vitro penetration (hIVP) assay. Anim Reprod Sci 54: 95-108. 1998.

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