Wellcome to the Home Page of GENZ: Group of research on Enzymology (Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology-A, University of Murcia).

The aim of GENZ is the research on the extraction and bioactivity of biomolecules, on enzymes and cell cultures, for the development of biotechnological applications.


Enzyme kinetics. Kinetic characterization of reaction mechanisms of enzymes on substrates, and on enzyme regulation and stabilization with activators, inhibitors and inactivators.

Enzyme technology. Extraction of biomolecules from organisms, study of their bioactivity on enzymes and cell cultures, optimization of enzyme biocatalysis, control of enzyme stabilization and development of enzyme bioprocesses.

Enzyme applications. Development of biotechnological applications for oxidoreductases, hydrolases and other enzymes, in healthcare (red biotechnology), food (green biotechnology), industry (white biotechnology) as well as environment/quality/communication and business management (grey biotechnology).


Members of the staff of GENZ:

Dr. Francisco García-Cánovas (Pharmacist and Enzymologist. Leader of Group).

Dr. José Neptuno Rodríguez-López (Biologist).

Dr. José Tudela (Biochemist and Enzymologist).

Dr. Virginia Tomás (Analytical Chemist).


University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain. General Information enclosed.


Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular-A, Facultad de Veterinaria, Campus de Espinardo, Universidad de Murcia, E-30100 Murcia (Spain).
GENZ Information: canovasf@um.es

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Copyright © Group of research on Enzymology.