Versión en español


If you want to participate at the XXX Simposio de Análisis Económico, please send duly filled the form below to the address indicated at the bottom of the form

Fichero Word Registration form

Participants presenting a paper can register from September 1st 2005 to November 11th at a reduced rate, and until November 25th at full rate. We would be grateful if you could register before November 11th, since this will facilitate the program elaboration. Registration before that date guarantees the inclusion of your paper in a related session, while we cannot guarantee this to participants registering after November 11th. The final program will be closed on November 25th. Participants not presenting papers may register until December 12th.

Fees and payments

Feesbefore November 11th 2005after November 11th 2005
Regular fee150.00 € 300.00 €
Job Market candidate105.00 € 210.00 €

Only one fee should be paid by each participant, no matter the number of accepted papers. In case you have one paper accepted for parallel sessions and another one for a job market session (that is, you are a job market candidate), your fee is 105 €.

The registration form contains the details about the means of payment. Payment can be made by bank transfer or by credit card. The names of the participant and the conference should be clearly indicated in the transfer's receipt.

Should you have any questions concerning the registration procedure, please write to: or phone to: 968 22 54 76.