Master in Advanced Mathematics

(This page is in progress)

With this master the students get an advanced training in mathematics, mainly devised as an introduction to doctoral researching ("researching" itinerary), but which may be useful to students looking for a job in business and finances. In particular, it is the natural way to access to the University of Murcia Doctoral Program in Mathematics. To this aim five different specializations can be chosen (each consisting of 36 credits), to be completed with 24 credits from the rest of specializations. In fact, there are no compulsory subjects in the syllabus, hence the student is free to devise the most appropriate itinerary  to his/her interest.

A novel feature of this master is that the students have the opportunity to simultaneously study the UMU Teacher Training Master (specialization in Mathematics) so that they get both titles after passing, respectively, 36 credits from the first one and 52 from the second one.

Semester 1 goes from September to January, semester 2 goes from February to June.

If you are planning to come to our Faculty to study with a mobility agreement (Erasmus+, ISEP, ILA, etc), please visit the International Welcome Point (IWP) of the University of Murcia, where you will find all the information you need to come here. In this video you can see what is waiting for you.

Specialization: Algebra

Code Subject Term
6361 Anillos y álgebras Semester 1 (6 cr.)
6362 Number theory (Teoría de números) Semester 1 (6 cr.)
6363 Algebraic geometry (Geometría algebraica) Semester 2 (6 cr.)
6383 Master thesis (Trabajo fin de máster) Semester 2 (18 cr.)

Specialization: Analysis

Code Subject Term
6364 Applied mathematical analysis I (Análisis matemático aplicado I) Semester 1 (3 cr.)
6365 Análisis matemático clásico Semester 1 (6 cr.)
6366 Discrete dynamical systems (Sistemas dinámicos discretos) Semester 1 (3 cr.)
6367 Análisis matemático aplicado II Semester 2 (3 cr.)
6368 High performance scientific computation (Computación científica de alto rendimiento) Semester 2 (3 cr.)
6383 Master thesis (Trabajo fin de máster) Semester 2 (18 cr.)

Specialization: Geometry

Code Subject Term
6369 Aplicaciones de la geometría y la topologia Semester 1 (3 cr.)
6370 Geometry of submanifolds (Geometría de subvariedades) Semester 1 (3 cr.)
6371 Convex and discrete geometry (Geometría convexa y discreta) Semester 1 (6 cr.)
6372 Geometric analysis (Análisis geométrico) Semester 2 (6 cr.)
6383 Master thesis (Trabajo fin de máster) Semester 2 (18 cr.)

Specialization: Operational Research

Code Subject Term
6373 Combinatorial optimization (Optimización combinatoria) Semest.1 (6 cr.)
6374 Modelos de competencia y cooperación Semest.1 (3 cr.)
6375 Advances techniques for optimization (Técnicas avanzadas para la optimización) Semest.1 (3 cr.)
6376 Location, distribution and transportation (Localización, distribución y transporte) Semest.2 (6 cr.)
6383 Master thesis (Trabajo fin de máster) Semest.2 (18 cr.)

Specialization: Probability and Statistics

Code Subject Term
6377 Characterization, classification and ordering of distributions (Caracterización, clasificación y ordenación de distribuciones) Semest.1 (3 cr.)
6378 Game theory (Teoría de juegos) Semest.1 (3 cr.)
6379 Modelling and quantification of risks (Modelización y cuantificación de riesgos) Semest.1 (3 cr.)
6380 Survival models, multivariate extensions and inference (Modelos de supervivencia, extensiones multivariantes e inferencia) Semest.1 (3 cr.)
6381 System reliability analysis (Análisis de la fiabilidad de sistemas) Semest.2 (3 cr.)
6383 Master thesis (Trabajo fin de máster) Semest.2 (18 cr.)