
The workshop was structured along four thematic sessions, each one focussing on one of the pillars of Paleolink.

Session 1: Available & Planning for new RCM simulations

Although there are many RCM simulations available, they are unfortunately not widely known and exploited. RCM time slices for e.g. LGM, Mid-Holocene etc. are done individually with different forcing, domain, or time period. This hampers the quantification of model variability/uncertainty, which is also derived from proxy data. Therefore, this session aims at the dissemination of existing simulations, as well as at the coordination of future ones, to maximise their profit. We will discuss discuss whether we could benefit from creating e.g. a coordinated LGM ensemble over the CORDEX-Euro region.

Session 2: Climate Reconstructions

Climate reconstructions are a fundamental pillar of the Paleolink initiative. The added value of RCM is most noticeable at local scales, precisely those recorded in the proxy record. Therefore, we aim at gathering expertise from the climate reconstructions community. New datasets from natural sources such as tree rings or lake sediments, but also documentary sources and early instrumental data, are welcome to this session.

Session 3: New Techniques for model-data comparison

Internal variability in climate models hampers in many situations a simple a nd naive comparison of the temporal evolution of the series in both datasets. Therefore we need to develop new techniques that account for this uncertainty, perhaps through distribution-wise comparisons of model and proxy data. This session is devoted to the development of new approaches to 'bridge the model-data gap'.

Session 4: Forward Modeling Approaches

Forward modelling can be seen as an alternative approach to model-data comparison. The highly resolved data provided by RCMs is especially suitable for its application in this type of modelling. This session explores the added value of the application of forward models driven by RCM data.

Detailed program

A snapshot of the final program is shown below.


Breakout groups

An important aspect of the workshop was the organisation several breakout groups to address specific open issues and future directions applicable to the entire working group. These groups were not previously defined, but were proposed in situ based on the previous discussions, with the aim to condense ideas stemming and emerging from the preceding talks. Four topics were addressed:

Outreach event

On Thursday 7th of February, the attendants of the workshop had the opportunity to enjoy a guided visit to the Tower of the Cathedral of Murcia, where the visitors could obtain a full view of the landscape of the "huerta" of Murcia. After this visit, the organising committee proposed an official dinner at the restaurant of the Royal Casino of Murcia.
