
The attendants should fill in the pre-registration application allocated in this form until 2 December 2018 (currently this is closed). Please note that we aim at a maximum of 25-30 people. In case that we get too many applications, the scientific committee will decide which abstracts are accepted based on relevant expertise and interest in the subject of the workshop. The attendants were informed about the outcome of this selection on 7 December 2018. The selected candidates were invited to register by email in the system of the University of Murcia.

Costs & Funding possibilities

All applicants whose contribution is accepted can attend the workshop free of charge. All participants are expected to cover their own expenses, i.e. travelling and accommodation. Still, there exists a limited amount of funding to cover part of these costs for early career scientist and researchers from developing countries. The amount of this help depends on the number of applications, but it has a maximum of 300€ per person, which will be in any case reimbursed after the workshop.

In case of doubt, do not hesitate to contact us.