Sistemas Dinámicos
Group members Group members
Víctor Jiménez López

Name: Víctor
Surname(s): Jiménez López
Department: Departamento de Matemáticas
University: Universidad de Murcia
Address: Campus de Espinardo, 30100 Murcia, Spain
Current member of the group: Yes


This professor does not have any publication.


Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Alejo Barrio Blaya
Title: On the relations between positive Lyapunov exponents, positive entropy, and sensitivity for interval maps
Serial: Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.
Volume: 32
Year: 2012
Pages: 433-466
PDF:  pdf

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Henk Bruin
Title: On the Lebesgue measure of Li-Yorke pairs for interval maps
Serial: Comm. Math. Phys.
Volume: 299
Year: 2010
Pages: 523-560
PDF:  pdf

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Alejo Barrio Blaya
Title: The smallest amount of chaos
Serial: Rocky Mountain J. Math.
Volume: 40
Year: 2010
Pages: 27-49

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Domenico Bruno
Title: Asymptotical periodicity for analytic triangular maps of type less than 2-infinite
Serial: J. Math. Anal. Appl.
Volume: 361
Year: 2010
Pages: 1-9

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Antonio Linero Bas
                 Kupka, Jiri
Title: On the ω-limit sets of product maps
Serial: Dynam. Systems Appl.
Volume: 19
Year: 2010
Pages: 667-679

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: The Y2K problem revisited
Serial: J. Difference Equ. Appl.
Volume: 16
Year: 2010
Pages: 105-119

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Gabriel Soler López
Title: Empty interior recurrence for continuous flows on surfaces
Serial: Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg.
Volume: 20
Year: 2010
Pages: 2897–2913

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Peralta-Salas, D.
Title: Global attractors of analytic plane flows
Serial: Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems
Volume: 29
Year: 2009
Pages: 967-981

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 El-Morshedy, H. A.
Title: Global attractors for difference equations dominated by one-dimensional maps
Serial: J. Difference Equ. Appl.
Volume: 14
Year: 2008
Pages: 391-410

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Alejo Barrio Blaya
Title: An almost everywhere version of Smítal's order-chaos dichotomy for interval maps
Serial: J. Austral. Math. Soc.
Volume: 85
Year: 2008
Pages: 29-50

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 El-Morshedy, H. A.
                 Liz, E.
Title: Periodic points and stability in Clark's delayed recruitment model
Serial: Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl.
Volume: 9
Year: 2008
Pages: 776-790

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Free pairs of bicyclic units in the integral group ring of the dihedral group
Serial: Comm. Algebra
Volume: 36
Year: 2008
Pages: 63-76

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Llibre, J.
Title: A topological characterization of the omega-limit sets for analytic flows on the plane, the sphere and the projective plane
Serial: Adv. Math.
Volume: 216
Year: 2007
Pages: 677-710

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Conjuntos omega-límite para flujos analíticos en el plano
Serial: Bol. Soc. Esp. Mat. Apl.
Volume: 24
Year: 2006
Pages: 139-146
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Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Gabriel Soler López
Title: A characterization of ω-limit sets for continuous flows on surfaces
Serial: Boll. Unione Mat. Ital. Sez. B Artic. Ric. Mat. (8)
Volume: 9
Year: 2006
Pages: 515-521

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Alejo Barrio Blaya
Title: Is trivial dynamics that trivial?
Serial: Amer. Math. Monthly
Volume: 113
Year: 2006
Pages: 109-133

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Las Matemáticas de la Epidemiología: una introducción para no (necesariamente) matemáticos
Serial: Bol. Soc. Puig Adam
Volume: 74
Year: 2006
Pages: 33-53

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Gabriel Soler López
Title: Transitive flows on manifolds
Serial: Rev. Mat. Iberoamericana
Volume: 20
Year: 2004
Pages: 107-130
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Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Gabriel Soler López
Title: Accumulation points of nonrecurrent orbits of surface flows
Serial: Topology Appl.
Volume: 137
Year: 2004
Pages: 187-194

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Snoha, L.
Title: Stroboscopical property, equicontinuity and weak mixing
Serial: Grazer Math. Ber.
Volume: 346
Year: 2004
Pages: 235-244

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Gabriel Soler López
Title: A characterization of ω-limit sets of nonrecurrent orbits in S^n
Serial: Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg.
Volume: 13
Year: 2003
Pages: 1727-1732

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Snoha, L.
Title: Stroboscopical property in topological dynamics
Serial: Topology Appl.
Volume: 129
Year: 2003
Pages: 301-316

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Doubling period renormalization is the boundary of chaos and of order in the C1-topology
Serial: Nonlinearity
Volume: 15
Year: 2002
Pages: 817-839

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 José Salvador Cánovas Peña
Title: Computing explicitly topological sequence entropy: the unimodal case
Serial: Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble)
Volume: 52
Year: 2002
Pages: 1093-1133
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Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Smítal, J.
Title: Omega-limit sets for triangular mappings
Serial: Fund. Math.
Volume: 167
Year: 2001
Pages: 1-15

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Gabriel Soler López
Title: A topological characterization of omega-limit sets for continuous flows on the projective plane
Serial: Discrete Contin. Dynam. Systems
Volume: added
Year: 2001
Pages: 254-259

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Smítal, J.
Title: Two counterexamples to a conjecture by Agronsky and Ceder
Serial: Acta Math. Hungar.
Volume: 88
Year: 2000
Pages: 193-204

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Francisco Balibrea Gallego
Title: The measure of scrambled sets: a survey
Serial: Acta Univ. M. Belii, ser. Natural Sciences, ser. Math.
Volume: 7
Year: 1999
Pages: 3-11
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Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Francisco Balibrea Gallego
                 José Salvador Cánovas Peña
Title: Some results on entropy and sequence entropy
Serial: Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg.
Volume: 9
Year: 1999
Pages: 1731-1742

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Francisco Balibrea Gallego
                 José Salvador Cánovas Peña
Title: Commutativity and non-commutativity of topological sequence entropy
Serial: Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble)
Volume: 49
Year: 1999
Pages: 1693-1709
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Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: An elementary solution to the mountain climbers' problem
Serial: Aequationes Math.
Volume: 57
Year: 1999
Pages: 45-49

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Francisco Balibrea Gallego
                 José Salvador Cánovas Peña
Title: Some invariants for s-permutation maps
Serial: Ann. Math. Sil.
Volume: 13
Year: 1999
Pages: 51-59
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Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Francisco Balibrea Gallego
Title: A characterization of the omega-limit sets of planar continuous dynamical systems
Serial: J. Differential Equations
Volume: 145
Year: 1998
Pages: 469-488

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Alsedà, Ll.
                 Snoha, L.
Title: All solenoids of piecewise smooth maps are doubling period
Serial: Fund. Math.
Volume: 157
Year: 1998
Pages: 121-138
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Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Snoha, L.
Title: There are no piecewise linear maps of type 2-infinite
Serial: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
Volume: 125
Year: 1997
Pages: 1377-1387
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Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Snoha, L.
Title: All maps of type 2-infinite are boundary maps
Serial: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
Volume: 125
Year: 1997
Pages: 1667-1673
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Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Maximal scrambled sets for simple chaotic functions
Serial: Pub. Mat.
Volume: 40
Year: 1996
Pages: 277-299
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Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Defining complete and observable chaos
Serial: Ann. Polon. Math.
Volume: 64
Year: 1996
Pages: 139-151

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Snoha, L.
Title: Full cascades of simple periodic orbits on the interval
Serial: Ukrain. Math. J.
Volume: 48
Year: 1996
Pages: 1628-1638

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Order and chaos for a class of piecewise linear maps
Serial: Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg.
Volume: 5
Year: 1995
Pages: 1379-1394

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Francisco Balibrea Gallego
Title: A characterization of chaotic functions with entropy zero via their maximal scrambled sets
Serial: Math. Bohem.
Volume: 120
Year: 1995
Pages: 293-298
PDF:  pdf

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: An explicit description of all scrambled sets of weakly unimodal map of type 2-infinite
Serial: Real Anal. Exchange
Volume: 21
Year: 1995
Pages: 664-688

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Paradoxical functions on the interval
Serial: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
Volume: 120
Year: 1994
Pages: 465-473
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Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Large chaos in smooth functions of zero topological entropy
Serial: Bull. Austral. Math. Soc.
Volume: 46
Year: 1992
Pages: 271-285
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Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: C1 weakly chaotic functions with zero topological entropy and non-flat critical points
Serial: Acta Math. Univ. Comenian. (N.S.)
Volume: 60
Year: 1991
Pages: 195-209
PDF:  pdf


Books and teaching publications

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Francisco Balibrea Gallego
Title: Ecuaciones Diferenciales para las Ciencias Químicas y Físicas (Texto-Guía)
Publisher: Diego Marín Librero-Editor
Place of publication: Murcia
Year: 2000

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Ecuaciones Diferenciales: cómo aprenderlas, cómo enseñarlas
Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Murcia
Place of publication: Murcia
Year: 2000


Written communications at conferences

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: A counterexample on global attractivity for Clark's equation
Conference: Future Directions in Difference Equations, Vigo, 2011
Publisher: Servizo de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo
Place of publication: Vigo
Year: 2011
Pages: 97-105

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Jaume Llibre
                 Daniel Peralta-Salas
Title: Attracting sets for analytic plane flows
Conference: 8th International Conference. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE 2008)
Publisher: Actas del Congreso
Place of publication: 
Year: 2008
Pages: 343-349

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Francisco Balibrea Gallego
                 José Salvador Cánovas Peña
Title: Sobre la entropía topológica secuencial de funciones continuas del intervalo
Conference: XVI C.E.D.Y.A./VI Congreso de Matemática Aplicada, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1999
Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones y Producción Documental de la U.L.P.G.C.
Place of publication: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Year: 1999
Pages: 145-152

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Francisco Balibrea Gallego
                 José Salvador Cánovas Peña
Title: Algunos Resultados en entropía secuencial
Conference: XV C.E.D.Y.A./V Congreso de Matemática Aplicada, Vigo, 1997
Publisher: Servicio de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo
Place of publication: Vigo
Year: 1997
Pages: 169-173

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Francisco Balibrea Gallego
Title: Maximal scrambled sets for chaotic functions with topological entropy zero
Conference: European Conference on Iteration Theory (ECIT 92), Batschuns (Austria), 1992
Publisher: World Sci. Publishing
Place of publication: River Edge (Estados Unidos de América)
Year: 1996
Pages: 277-278

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Francisco Balibrea Gallego
Title: Una caracterización de los conjuntos $omega$-límites de los sistemas dinámicos continuos en el plano
Conference: XIII C.E.D.Y.A. / III Congreso de Matemática Aplicada, Vic (Barcelona), 1995
Publisher: Actas Eléctronicas
Place of publication: 
Year: 1996
Pages: 3

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Francisco Balibrea Gallego
Title: Sobre la estructura de omega-límites de sistemas dinámicos continuos
Conference: XIII C.E.D.Y.A./III Congreso de Matemática Aplicada, Madrid, 1993
Publisher: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Place of publication: Madrid
Year: 1993
Pages: 661-666

Authors: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Francisco Balibrea Gallego
Title: A structure theorem for C^2 functions verifying the Misiurewicz condition
Conference: European Conference on Iteration Theory (ECIT 91), Lisboa, 1991
Publisher: World Sci. Publishing
Place of publication: Singapur
Year: 1992
Pages: 12-21


Conference papers

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Is Li-Yorke chaos observable? Old and new results
Conference: Future Directions in Difference Equations
Place: Vigo
Year: 2011

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: (solo asistencia)
Conference: Nolineal 2010
Place: Cartagena
Year: 2010

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Old and new results on the measure of Li-Yorke chaos
Conference: Czech-Slovak-Spanish Workshop on Discrete Dynamical Systems
Place: La Manga del Mar Menor (Murcia)
Year: 2010

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: (solo asistencia)
Conference: Dynamical Trends in Analysis
Place: Estocolmo (Suecia)
Year: 2009

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Transitivity of a critical point implies observable Li-Yorke chaos for smooth unimodal maps
Conference: 6th International Conference on Nonlinear Economic Dynamics (NED09)
Place: Jönköping (Suecia)
Year: 2009

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Sobre la medida de Lebesgue de los pares de Li-Yorke para funciones analíticas del intervalo
Conference: I Reunión Conjunta de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana y la Real Sociedad Matemática Española
Place: Oaxaca (México)
Year: 2009

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Atracción global
Conference: Grupo de Discusión Multidisciplinar "Ecuaciones en Diferencias"
Place: Valencia
Year: 2009

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Attracting sets for analytic plane flows
Conference: 8th International Conference. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE 2008)
Place: La Manga del Mar Menor (Murcia)
Year: 2008

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: The Y2K problem of difference equations revisited
Conference: Conference on Boundary Value Problems: Mathematical Models in Engineering, Biology and Medicine
Place: Santiago de Compostela (La Coruña)
Year: 2008

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Atractores globales de flujos analíticos en el plano
Conference: Workshop sobre Órbitas Periódicas de Ecuaciones Diferenciales
Place: Tossa de Mar (Girona)
Year: 2008

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: On the global stability of x_{n+1} = (p + q x_n) / (1 + x_{n-1})
Conference: International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications (ICDEA 13)
Place: Estambul (Turquía)
Year: 2008

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: The smallest amount of chaos
Conference: Visegrad Conference. Dynamical Systems. High Tatras 2007
Place: Strbské Pleso (Eslovaquia)
Year: 2007

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Global attractor for difference equations dominated by one-dimensional maps
Conference: International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications (ICDEA 12)
Place: Lisboa (Portugal)
Year: 2007

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: A topological characterization of the omega-limit sets for analytic flows on the plane, the sphere, and the projective plane
Conference: Barcelona Conference in Planar Vector Fields
Place: Barcelona
Year: 2006

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: On the relationship between approximate periodicity, Li-Yorke chaos, and sensitivity to initial conditions
Conference: International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications
Place: Kioto (Japón)
Year: 2006

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: (solo asistencia)
Conference: Ddays 2006 (reunión de la red temática D.A.N.C.E.)
Place: Sevilla-Islantilla (Huelva)
Year: 2006

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Positive Lyapunov exponents or positive metric entropy imply sensitivity
Conference: Visegrad Conference "Dynamical Systems, Prague 2005"
Place: Praga (República Checa)
Year: 2005

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Positive Lyapunov exponents or positive metric entropy imply sensitivity
Conference: International Conference on Difference Equations, Special Functions and Applications 2005
Place: Munich (Alemania)
Year: 2005

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Conjuntos omega-límites para flujos analíticos en el plano
Conference: XIX C.E.D.Y.A. / IX Congreso de Matemática Aplicada
Place: Leganés (Madrid)
Year: 2005

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: (solo asistencia)
Conference: Workshop en ecuaciones en diferencias
Place: Cardona (Barcelona)
Year: 2005

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Una caracterización de los omega-límites de flujos analíticos en el plano, la esfera y el plano proyectivo
Conference: NOLINEAL 2004
Place: Toledo
Year: 2004

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: A characterization of omega-limit sets for analytic flows on the plane, the sphere and the projective plane
Conference: 8th Czech-Slovak Workshop on Discrete Dynamical Systems
Place: Praded (República Checa)
Year: 2004

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Caos en el sentido de Li-Yorke: pasado, presente y futuro
Conference: Ddays 2004 (reunión de la red temática D.A.N.C.E.)
Place:  La Manga del Mar Menor (Murcia)
Year: 2004

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: The Rohlin formula, or a guided tour to interval ergodic theory
Conference: V Iberoamerican Conference on Topology and its Applications
Place: Lorca (Murcia)
Year: 2003

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: A topological characterization of omega-limit sets for continuous flows on surfaces
Conference: Recent Trends in Dynamics
Place: Oporto (Portugal)
Year: 2003

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Are simple maps that simple?
Conference: 6th Czech-Slovak Workshop on Discrete Dynamical Systems
Place: Praded (República Checa)
Year: 2002

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Stroboscopical property in topological dynamics
Conference: European Conference on Iteration Theory (ECIT 2002)
Place: Évora (Portugal)
Year: 2002

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Minimal maps need not have Misiurewicz stroboscopical property
Conference:  IV Iberoamerican Conference on Topology and its Applications
Place: Coimbra (Portugal)
Year: 2001

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: A characterization of omega-limit sets for continuous flows in the projective plane
Conference: Year 2000 International Conference on Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations
Place: Kennesaw (Atlanta)
Year: 2000

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Doubling period renormalization is the boundary of chaos and of order in the C1-topology
Conference: European Conference on Iteration Theory (ECIT 2000)
Place: La Manga del Mar Menor (Murcia)
Year: 2000

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Dos contraejemplos para una conjetura de Agronsky y Ceder
Conference: III Congreso Iberoamericano de Topología y sus Aplicaciones
Place: Gandía (Valencia)
Year: 1999

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Order and chaos for unimodal maps with negative Schwarzian derivative
Conference: European Conference on Iteration Theory (ECIT 98)
Place: Muszyna-Zlockie (Polonia)
Year: 1998

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: On orbit enclosing omega-limit sets of triangular maps
Conference: European Conference on Iteration Theory (ECIT 96)
Place: Urbino (Italia)
Year: 1996

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Una caracterización de los conjuntos omega-límites de los sistemas dinámicos continuos en el plano
Conference: XIV C.E.D.Y.A./IV Congreso de Matemática Aplicada
Place: Vic (Barcelona)
Year: 1995

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: There are no piecewise linear maps of type 2-infinite
Conference: Thirty Years after Sharkovskii's Theorem. New Perspectives
Place: La Manga del Mar Menor (Murcia)
Year: 1994

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: On the non-existence of functions of type 2-infinite for a class of piecewise smooth maps
Conference: European Conference on Iteration Theory (ECIT 94)
Place: Opava (República Checa)
Year: 1994

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Characterizing empirically observable chaos
Conference: Nice-Barcelona Workshop on Dynamical Systems
Place: Bellaterra (Barcelona)
Year: 1993

Speakers: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Sobre la estructura de sistemas dinámicos continuos
Conference: XIII C.E.D.Y.A./III Congreso de Matemática Aplicada
Place: Madrid
Year: 1993


Doctoral thesis

Title: Dependencia sensible respecto a las condiciones iniciales para aplicaciones del intervalo
PhD student: Alejo Barrio Blaya
Place it was read: Facultad de Matemáticas (Universidad de Murcia)
Year: 2007
Grade: Sobresaliente Cum Laude
Director: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Caracterización topológica de conjuntos omega-límites sobre variedades
PhD student: Gabriel Soler López
Place it was read: Facultad de Matemáticas (Universidad de Murcia)
Year: 2005
Grade: Sobresaliente Cum Laude
Director: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: New results on entropy, sequence entropy and related topics
PhD student: José Salvador Cánovas Peña
Place it was read: Facultad de Matemáticas (Universidad de Murcia)
Year: 2000
Grade: Sobresaliente Cum Laude
Director: Víctor Jiménez López
                 Francisco Balibrea Gallego

Other research projects directed

Title: Algunos resultados de atracción global para la ecuación de Clark
Dissertation type: Tesis de master / Postgraduate thesis
Student: Enrique Parreño Sánchez
Place it was read: Facultad de Matemáticas (Universidad de Murcia)
Year: 2011
Grade: 9.9 (Sobresaliente)
Director: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Demostración de la fórmula de Rohlin
Dissertation type: Tesina de licenciatura / Dissertation (degree)
Student: Domenico Bruno
Place it was read: Facultad de Matemáticas (Universidad de Murcia)
Year: 2006
Grade: Matrícula de Honor
Director: Víctor Jiménez López
Title: Conjuntos omega-límites en sistemas dinámicos continuos
Dissertation type: Tesina de licenciatura / Dissertation (degree)
Student: Gabriel Soler López
Place it was read: Facultad de Matemáticas (Universidad de Murcia)
Year: 1999
Grade: Matrícula de Honor
Director: Víctor Jiménez López
Español  |  English
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