Bibliografía específica obesidad

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Epstein LH (1996). Familiy-based behavioural intervention for obese children. International Journal of Obesity and related Metababolic Disorders, 20 (supl 1): S14-S21.

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Johnson WG, Hinkle LK, Carr RE, Anderson DA, Lemmon CR, Engler LB y Bergeron KC (1997). Dietary and exercise interventions for juvenile obesity: long-term effect of behavioral and public health models. Obesity Research, 5(3): 257-261.

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Klasson-Heggebo L, Grydeland M, Andersen K, Anderssen SA (2002). Physical fitness, physical activity and obesity among children and youth Oslo, Norway. Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise, 34(5): S278.

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Torun B, Viteri FE (1994). Influence of exercise on linear growth. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 48: S186-S190.

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